Newsmax Interview With Actor Dean Cain In LA

In the 7-minute Newsmax interview with actor Dean Cain, topics of discussion included: the impact of leftism on actors, crime, public safety; the impact of leftism on personal freedom: the cry of fascism is voiced regularly by leftists, yet they do not understand that a fascist is someone who suppresses all other views = they are fascists; the November election, hope that people are sick of what has been happening in America and express themselves at the ballot box; the success of the new Top Gun movie, which was free of ‘wokeism;’ the success of Top Gun indicating that people really are patriotic and do not really agree with the Marxist-leftist politically correct America-haters….

47 New Biden Administration Defendants Named in Government–Big Tech Censorship Lawsuit – Epoch Times

Altogether, 67 officials or agencies are accused of violating plaintiffs’ First Amendment rights by participating in a “censorship enterprise” through pressuring Big Tech firms like Facebook, Google, and Twitter to take action against users offering alleged misinformation. …The messages show that Facebook was committed to censoring and de-emphasizing posts that were “departing from the government’s messaging on vaccines,” plaintiffs said. Slavitt also called for Twitter to ban Alex Berenson, an independent journalist, previously released messages show.