Never Trumpers Are Whistling Past the Graveyard – Conrad Black, Epoch Times

Peggy Noonan, though it’s the last honor that she would seek, has become the human barometer of the most civilized and amiable Biden media apologists…. …But gradually and perceptibly to her readers, Trump revolted her. It was hard not to identify to some degree with those Republicans and moderate Democrats who acknowledged some agreement with many of Trump’s policies but couldn’t abide what they considered the often rampant egotism, reckless over-simplicity, and boorishness of Trump’s public personality. …In their irrational hatred of Trump, Noonan and her kindred spirits are complicit in covering up a rigged election that inflicted the most incompetent administration in American history on the country and the world. There’s no early way back into the Republicans for the Trump-haters, and the Democratic strategists who produced this sequence of disasters will be feeling the pain for a long time.