Confronting the Medical Debate Around After-Birth Abortion – Epoch Times Commentary

The authors of the article, Alberto Giubilini and Francesca Minerva explain why “after-birth abortion”—the killing of newborn infants—should be permitted…. In their article, they argue that there is a serious philosophical issue when conditions, which exist after birth, are the same as those that exist during the gestational period. If the conditions before birth were to justify an abortion, then “after-birth abortion” would also be justified. In these cases, they contend, “we need to assess facts in order to decide whether the same arguments that apply to killing a human fetus can also be consistently applied to killing a newborn human.” They conclude that “killing a newborn could be ethically permissible in all the circumstances where abortion would be.” Even if newborn infants have the potential to lead an acceptable life, their killing would be justifiable whenever they are a burden on the family and/or society. …The authors’ advocacy for killing weak and vulnerable infants surely could be compared to, and could have been inspired by, the Nazi extermination handbooks of the 1930s that supported the killing of “unworthy” people who were gassed….

Build Back Better ‘Is Dead’: Sen. Joe Manchin – Epoch Times

Manchin linked his opposition to the bill with inflation, which has risen at a breakneck pace despite frantic efforts by the White House and the Federal Reserve to get it under control. In the original draft of the BBB authored by Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.), the legislation would have cost the U.S. government around $6 trillion. Despite being supported by Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.), such a massive expenditure had little chance of winning the support even of more left-of-center Democrats. …After weeks of negotiations with the pair, the Biden White House unveiled a $1.85 trillion draft of the bill. Sinema remained mum on the updated draft, citing her opposition to “[negotiating] through the press.” Manchin, far more vocal than Sinema, remained skeptical of the bill until December, when he announced that he would not vote for it.

75 Percent of Americans Give Negative Assessment of Economy – Epoch Times

A new poll by ABC News and Ipsos indicates that 75 percent of Americans have a negative assessment of the economy, as the nation struggles with ongoing supply chain disruptions, labor shortages, inflation, and an uncertain future for the stock market. The poll, which asked respondents to “describe the state of the nation’s economy these days,” was generally greeted with less-than-enthusiastic responses. Among those who responded, 28 percent said “poor” and 47 percent said “not so good,” while 23 percent said “good” and only 1 percent said “excellent.”

Death is Gain, Philippians 1:21-23, by Dr. Patrick Ramsey

Death is gain for the believer because it frees him from his warfare with the world, the flesh and the devil; all suffering and sin are extinguished. While explaining how the believer gains by dying, Pastor Ramsey also discusses other aspects of death – suffering, pain, dread, fear…but the believer may have real hope in the promises of the Bible, because of the atoning work of the Lord Jesus Christ. [26 minute mp3 sermon preceded by sermon points]

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