75 Percent of Americans Give Negative Assessment of Economy – Epoch Times

A new poll by ABC News and Ipsos indicates that 75 percent of Americans have a negative assessment of the economy, as the nation struggles with ongoing supply chain disruptions, labor shortages, inflation, and an uncertain future for the stock market. The poll, which asked respondents to “describe the state of the nation’s economy these days,” was generally greeted with less-than-enthusiastic responses. Among those who responded, 28 percent said “poor” and 47 percent said “not so good,” while 23 percent said “good” and only 1 percent said “excellent.”

Death is Gain, Philippians 1:21-23, by Dr. Patrick Ramsey

Death is gain for the believer because it frees him from his warfare with the world, the flesh and the devil; all suffering and sin are extinguished. While explaining how the believer gains by dying, Pastor Ramsey also discusses other aspects of death – suffering, pain, dread, fear…but the believer may have real hope in the promises of the Bible, because of the atoning work of the Lord Jesus Christ. [26 minute mp3 sermon preceded by sermon points]