Progressive District Attorneys Radically Change Rule of Law in California Cities – Epoch Times

…progressive prosecutors contend “the reason why there’s so many criminals is because our justice system turns them into criminals, it’s a backwards argument,” the source said. “They argue that people keep getting arrested because cops keep arresting them and that’s the problem.” Some believe if police would just leave people alone, they wouldn’t commit crimes, the source said. Crimes, especially property offenses, are vastly underreported because the public has lost faith in the justice system, the source said. “They think that no one cares. They think that nothing is going to happen,” the source said.
When police sometimes tell victims of property crimes there’s no point in reporting these incidents because district attorneys likely won’t do anything, “unfortunately, they’re right,” the source said.

This Is Why Many Raised In Christian Homes Later Turn From Christ

For failure to count the cost, the children of religious parents often do not turn out well, and they bring disgrace on Christianity. Familiar from their earliest years with the form and theory of the gospel, taught even from infancy to repeat the most common Bible verses, being used to being instructed in the gospel every week, or even to instruct others in Sunday school, they often grow up professing Christianity without knowing why or without ever having thought seriously about it. Then when the realities of grown-up life begin to press upon them, they often astound everyone by dropping all their Christian ways and plunging right into the world. Why? Because they had never thoroughly understood the sacrifices that Christianity involves….

Finding a Perfect Mate Starts With Oneself By Annie Holmquist – Epoch Times

“Contrary to the dominant message in this culture, one does not find the perfect partner and marriage. One makes a good match by constant effort and the steadfast will to persevere in the relationship. People waiting for perfect matches will find their idealism getting in the way of the practical work on self that is necessary to become the kind of person capable of being married to one other person for a lifetime.” In essence, those who want to marry and marry well will work on themselves first. They won’t waste time swiping left and right or hooking up with this one or that one to test if perfection is there….

Teaching Children to Recognize Propaganda – Epoch Times

…And in fact, they have been learning that propaganda for many years. Unfortunately, we looked away, convincing ourselves that such propaganda was only in big districts such as Los Angeles, or New York, or Chicago, not in our own local, Middle American neighborhoods. For years we kept our children in those schools, convincing ourselves they were safe, that their teachers and the curriculum they were studying were teaching them good things. That those good things would prepare them for living in the free world, able to embrace truth and recognize error immediately. Given the accelerated rate of deception in society, it now seems clear that schools indeed didn’t prepare children to recognize propaganda; instead, they were the ones that fed propaganda to children hook, line, and sinker.