Satan’s NWO blueprint and Christian capitulation under the serpent’s consensus process [from Renew America]

“We have battled in America since the century’s turn to bring to nothing…all Christian influences and we are succeeding. You must work until officials of city, county, and state will not think twice before they pounce upon religious groups as public enemies. (there must) be a…foaming hatred of religion…a belief that Christian practice is vicious, bad, insanity causing, publicly hated and intolerable.” (Red Communist Textbook on Psychopolitics, Laventi Beria, Stalin’s right-hand man)

Chaos, breakdown, demoralization, destruction: America’s new normal, how it came about and where we are going [from Renew America]: Paganism, Part 44

“The institutions of civilization and order are under withering attack. Perversity is increasingly a way of life. What was once obscenity is the ordinary currency. The present obscenity is God, morality, the family. Rape and murder fill the newspapers. Children kill their parents, their teachers, their friends—-and 13-year olds demand abortion. Young people leave college less prepared for life than the 18-year-olds of a half-century ago. The Bill of Rights is a scrap of paper, attached to a decaying and ignored Constitution. Education is a medium for dissolution, abolishing learning. The media is steeped in prevarication and nihilism.” (Cry Havoc! p. 4)