1973 Decision Overturned

1973 Decision Overturned

The following 5-minute video is from the YouTube site, Polite Leader. I have used many of his videos in this blog because they are very short, yet comprehensive and informative.

In the video, he talks about the impact of the supreme court decision from a Christian perspective. If you are a born-again Christian, then his words should resonate with you; or you should be in agreement with them, as he speaks according to scripture. And regardless of what many trendy, contemporary Christians and “Christian” preachers say, the Bible is from God and Christians are to live in accordance with it.

I am aware of falling short often, as all Christians do, but God has provided repentance and forgiveness for those who fall short, so that they might be able to worship Him.

One final relevant thought, all of you were once inhabitants of the womb and your own mother permitted you to live. What do you think about that? Didn’t you deserve to live? What rights did you have? You certainly could have done nothing to prohibit your mother from having you torn to pieces and removed from her womb. SEE THE NEXT POST TO LEARN WHAT ABORTION ACTUALLY IS, AS TOLD BY A FORMER DOCTOR OF ABORTION.




Links from Polite Leader’s video:

Link to the above video for those who might like to explore his site:



1973 Decision Overturned! | What Many Christians Still Don’t Understand

Exodus 21 and the Issue of the Unjust Homicide of the Child in the Womb

Featured Image: captured from video