Children on Puberty Blockers Could Be at Risk of Poor Mental Health: Study – Epoch Times

In a study (pdf) reexamining data on 44 children ages 12 to 15, researchers found that up to 34 percent of trans teens with gender dysphoria taking the puberty blocker triptorelin self-reported declined mental health. At the same time, up to 29 percent reported improvement, while 37 percent reported no change in mental health status. This contrasts previous findings from the original 2021 study that indicated this same age group reported neither harm nor benefit after taking triptorelin for at least one year. …Triptorelin falls under a class of medications known as gonadotropin-releasing hormones (GnRH), designed to cause the synthesis and release of two sex hormones: luteinizing hormone and follicle-stimulating hormone. In men, these two hormones prompt the testes to stimulate testosterone production, and in women, induce the ovaries to synthesize estrogen chemically.