Tucker Carlson’s Departure Means Fox News Doomed to Irrelevance – Epoch Times Commentary

Was he fired or did he quit? Maybe it doesn’t make a difference. Maybe, in fact, it was likely a long time coming. We may never know in the world of nondisclosure agreements, but, in an act that can only be seen as corporate suicide, Fox News has let Tucker Carlson go, on April 24, 2023. This was a form of corporate suicide for Fox News, with its allied companies The New York Post and The Wall Street Journal taking a hit as well. Do the owners—Rupert Murdoch and sons Lachlan and James—care? They must have known what everyone knows—that Tucker wasn’t only the most important broadcaster on the network, arguably in the country, and also arguably the next to the most powerful figure in the American conservative movement, second only to Donald Trump.