Mass Rape, Sexual Abuse: Communist China’s Genocidal Tool to Eliminate Faith: Epoch Times

Regardless of their ages, the CCP is persecuting spiritual believers of all faiths under the disguise of ‘re-educating’ them. As the world is celebrating International Women’s Day, let’s not forget the horrifying abuses that mothers and sisters, and even grandmothers, are subjected to in the land of communist China. Since the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) came to power in 1949, it has been employing unethical ways to persecute citizens and suppress spiritual groups. Recently, several reports have confirmed how the CCP is using sexual abuse as a tool for re-educating and transforming prisoners of faith, regardless of their age. [This is a picture of the evolution of cancel culture – if you have been thinking that leftism, Marxism and cancel culture are fine, then you need to read this article to clearly see what you support]