Article IV, §4, U.S. Constitution REQUIRES Congress, the Supreme Court, and the President to Stop the Steal! [from Renew America]

1. The Supreme Court’s Dereliction of Duty: The Pennsylvania Lawsuit; The Texas Lawsuit [explained and critiqued, per constitution]; 2. Attorney General William Barr’s Dereliction of Duty [explained]; 3. Will Congress also shirk their Constitutional Duty? [duty explained per constitution]; 4. The Fraudulent Election is an Act of War against the People of the United States [explained per constitution]; 5. President Trump has constitutional and statutory authority
to carry out the Duty imposed on him by Art. IV, §4: Call up the Militia! A brief history of the Militia; 6. Calling up the Militia is not equivalent to imposing “martial law”! [explained]; 7. What is “the rule of law”? [explained]; 8. This isn’t about Trump – it’s about defending our Constitutional
Republic from enemy attack [explained per const.].