The following brief video highlights the false, prosperity ministry of Creflo Dollar. The vlogger, Polite Leader, provided a brief history and significant heretical teachings of
Sheeplywolves — Mat 7:15 “Beware of false prophets who come disguised as harmless sheep but are really vicious wolves.
Mat 7:14 But the gateway to life is very narrow and the road is difficult, and only a few ever find it.
Battle Sin With The Gospel: From John Owen’s Mortification of Sin, ch. 11 by Dr. Jeff Mayfield
Dr. Mayfield explains how Owen encourages believers to take their sins to the gospel of Christ. Since Christ purchased fellowship with the Father for believers,
Consider the Dangers of Sin: John Owen via Dr. Jeff Mayfield
In discussing chapter 10 of Owen’s work on mortification, Dr. Mayfield explains how sinning impacts the Holy Spirit’s work in us. In the following 5
A list, similar to the following can be found in Archives: September, 2018, in the post, Christian Study Helps (but that post contains several videos
Why Does Evil Dominate The World? By Dr. John MacArthur
Dr. MacArthur explains that God does permit evil and shows His rationale, per scripture. In the process of his explanation, he covers the following points:
FALSE VISITS TO HEAVEN AND HELL; Biblical Analysis by Justin Peters
Justin Peters and Martha Mac, of SO4J TV, look at various claims visitors to heaven and hell have written about in their books. Martha Mac
You Are What You Think: Dr. John MacArthur
In the following short sermon, Dr. MacArthur provided some excellent biblical encouragement and admonition about walking with God. His main outline points seemed to be
1918 Influenza Pandemic documentary
The following video is frightening. There are parallels to the Wuhan virus of our day, but health authorities obviously learned from 1918 and implemented strategies
Green Movement Debunked!
The following video sermon by Dr. John MacArthur focuses on the sovereignty of God in bringing about the ending of this earth as is stated
Considerations for Christians Regarding the Conflict and Distress of Our World: Luke 21: 9 – 11
Dr. John MacArthur examines the crises of our present time and provides a biblical perspective for Christians. If you are interested in better understanding what