Christian leaders respond to Alistair Begg saying people should attend “Trans Weddings”

From the YouTube site: Pastor Michael Grant

Christian leaders respond to Alistair Begg saying people should attend “Trans Weddings”


Link to video:

Link to Pastor Michael Grant’s video page:

Links to posts in this blog about Pastor Tim Keller [mostly about his being pro- cultural Marxist]:

Link to post: 5 Evangelical pastors that are pro-LGBTQ and CRT: [Keller is among them]:

The following information is about The Gospel Coalition; its mission statement…. The above video suggests what that mission statement looks like in the real world.

From Wikipedia:

It was founded in 2005 by theologian D. A. Carson and pastor Tim Keller.[1][2] TGC describe their mission as being “deeply committed to renewing our faith in the gospel of Christ and to reforming our ministry practices to conform fully to the Scriptures.”[3] The Gospel Coalition, Carson wrote in 2018, is “not a monolith; we are a coalition. What holds us together is our shared commitment to the gospel of Jesus Christ.”[4] As TGC describes itself in a promotional video, “We are not united by culture, nationality, or politics, but by the cross of Jesus Christ.”[5] In the resources it produces, TGC seeks to apply Scripture and gospel-centered approaches to contemporary culture, current events, and issues in everyday life. TGC regularly produces articles, videos, podcasts, and events.

In 2020, Julius Kim was appointed TGC president.[6] In 2021, Baptist Pastor Juan Sánchez, of Austin, Texas, became board chairman.[7]

[End Wikipedia article]

I was unable to find a complete list of Gospel Coalition members online. There are numerous articles revealing a partial list of members.

Narrative and links that accompanied above video at YouTube:

Dr. James White & Jon Harris of the Conversations That Matter podcast respond to Alistar Begg’s recent advice that Christians should attend LGBT weddings so as to avoid looking like judgmental bigots. Begg is a long time pastor and leader within the Reformed Christianity movement. He also is a council member for TGC (The Gospel Coalition).

Link to my original video –    • Pope Says Hell Is Empty / Alistair Be…  

Tags Gay marriage  Gay wedding  Alpha and Omega Ministries