They Sold Their Soul to The WOKE “God” – Voddie Baucham VS Matt Chandler, Max Lucado

The 13-minute video in this post discussed what a church looks like when it is becoming ‘woke.’ The vlogger used an article by Chantal Monique Duson, Racial Unity Advocate, as the basis of his video. The article provides many specific points that would enable one to ascertain woke-ness emerging. Duson received a lot of emails from people fearing that was happening to their church, her article was her response to typical questions raised. [Sermon highlight points are provided; also, links to Duson’s article and to the video site.]

Dispensationalism, History And Theology By Pastor Patrick Hines [Salvation And Eschatology Part 1]

This post contains a sermon by Pastor Patrick Hines on the history of dispensationalism. In the process of explaining that, he addresses the pre-millennial and a-millennial views of end times. That is the chief reason I am blogging his message. The next post in this mini series will be about covenant theology, which is about the history of redemption as viewed by way of Bible covenants. That theology undermines dispensationalist’s views about end times and about how God dispensed salvation to Israel and the church; as covenant theology believes that Israel was the church from the beginning, via Abraham.

The Burned-Over District [The Origin Of Several American Religious Cults]

5 Minutes in Church History, hosted by Dr. Stephen Nichols, is a weekly podcast that provides an informal and informative look at church history…. Unlike the Great Awakening of the 18th century, the revivalist preaching of the so-called “Second Great Awakening” left many people disillusioned with Christianity. On this episode of 5 Minutes in Church History, Dr. Stephen Nichols takes us to a region in New York that still bears scars from the 19th century. [He briefly discusses Joseph Smith; William Miller; Ellen White; and the Oneida Utopian Community.]

Burning Man Festival, Paganism, Part 45

This post contains a 90-second video about Burning Man Festival; two other posts in this blog, that discussed Burning Man are also linked. This is part of the ongoing series on Paganism, which aims to show examples of the religious and secular expressions of Paganism as they manifest themselves in the western world. These expressions will seemingly culminate in the realization of a one-world, global Pagan civilization. Introductions from posts 1 and 2 were pasted in for context.


In the 5-minute video of this post, Dr. John MacArthur explains the Dallas Statement after a questioner asked about it. That statement was drafted by biblical evangelicals against the ideology of social justice, CRT, intersectionality…. MacArthur explained how it is impacting those churches who imbibed of it.


Pastor MacArthur explained that the current utopian philosophies that the west is embracing began 300 years ago with Jean-Jacques Rousseau, and those were imbibed by Marx and other influential thinkers who hated God and viewed Christianity as oppressive…. He explained how contemporary evangelicalism has incorporated these in their strategies of church building [pragmatism… which is unbiblical because it derives from man… and the Bible states in Acts that ‘God is building His church’]

Signs of False Prophets in The Church by Voddie Baucham 

The following teaching by pastor Baucham explains the Christian duty of identifying, exposing and fleeing from false teachers. He used a lot of scripture to make those points. He also explained why so many people are deceived by false teachers. Do you know the characteristics of a false Christian teacher; of a biblical teacher? Do you know what to do if you encounter a false teacher? Baucham clarifies such things in his message.

1 Corinthians 6:15-20 On Sexual Sin, Part 2 of 2

This post looks at the teachings of SBC pastor J D Greear on sexual sin, comparing them to 1 Corinthians 6:15-20; MacArthur’s Bible Commentary explanations are used to explain scripture.  Greear stated his beliefs about sexual sin in the one-minute video below; thereafter, you will find verses 15-20 of 1 Corinthians 6 and explanations of that text from the MacArthur Bible Commentary. There is a vast difference between Greear’s stance and that of the Bible. I am speculating that this difference derives from the SBC’s having incorporated Marxist’s ideologies via Resolution 9 whereby they deemed that CRT and intersectionality could be used “as an analytical tool subordinate to scripture.”

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