Transgender Wedding Controversy… Alistair Begg… Clarity

This post contains a video that looks at several aspects of the Alistair Begg counsel regarding a transgender wedding: it opens with a brief intro about the issue at hand; Alistair Begg’s counsel; the American Family Association Response to Begg’s counsel; John Piper’s response and his biblical counsel for that situation; and a conclusion. The beginning times for each section of the video are provided for those who only want to hear a portion; also, links to source video.

Give Sin a Name: Things Unseen with Sinclair B Ferguson

Pastor Sinclair Ferguson began a new podcast titled, Things Unseen in 2024. Each episode is 4-6 minutes in length. This post contains the episode of 1-19-24 and a link to the other 14 messages he has thus far aired. I got my post of yesterday, John Newton’s hymn, via a reference he made to search the hymn. Ferguson’s most recent several podcasts have been about character types of Christians that Newton identified in a little book he wrote. Each character flaw will remind you of Christians you are in the midst of, perhaps, yourself. Ferguson’s purpose seems to help Christians identify their own flaws for future prayer….

What are the Five Lies of our Anti-Christian Age? with Rosaria Butterfield – Podcast Episode 183 – Got Questions Ministries

Got Questions Podcast interviewed Rosaria Butterfield, former gay-rights activist; professor of Queer Studies as Syracuse U…. They were discussing her book in terms of our current social problems. She understands them very well. Christians could benefit from her perspective regarding the social issues of our time surrounding LGBTQ and the church….

The Gospel – Pastor Voddie Baucham

This post contains a 4-minute sermon excerpt of Pastor Voddie Baucham explaining the gospel. I wanted to post it because he actually explains the necessity of the virgin birth, something that I have rarely heard from the pulpit. A very brief post follows the video, it fills in many gaps that Pastor Baucham’s excerpt did not cover. He did start explaining the gospel from the Garden, the fall… but the post says many things about God’s plan of redemption, culminating in the gospel. Together, they provide a very good biblical explanation of God’s plan of redemption.

Martin Luther & Faith Alone / Imagine Believing We Don’t Need a Savior – Pastor Hines Podcast

This post contains a 10-minute podcast by Pastor Patrick Hines on the ‘righteousness of God.’ He frames it in terms of Martin Luther’s experience before he discovered this righteousness that God; how he discovered this righteousness; how it impacted him. In the middle of the podcast is a 3+ minute example of the typical thoughts a woman had on her way home from shopping; the example typifies human sinfulness and helplessness to enter into heaven without the imputation of Christ, our Savior’s righteousness to us and our trusting in that instead of anything we might do

ONGOING SIN – Pastor Paul Washer

In the video of this post, Paul Washer calmly communicates important points about ongoing sin in the daily Christian life. I found the video very encouraging and informative, and believe that others can also benefit from his insights on this major matter in the Christian life. [A list of bullet points precedes his video]

The Gospel of Jesus Christ – Booklet – by Paul Washer

This post is for people who aren’t quite clear on the gospel and want to know it better; or for those who have witnessed the gospel and want to also provide material for reviewing discussion points…. The initial couple of minutes of the video explaining Washer’s booklet cover the following points: who is God; what is man – it is essential that believers understand these two points from a biblical perspective; what God has done to satisfy His own justice and to simultaneously be able to show mercy to the wicked; why was the resurrection necessary; what does it mean to believe; how can you know that you believe; what does it mean to repent; how can you know that you actually have repented; what is assurance and how can you grow in it….

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