Unity of Old and New Testaments [Part 2]

The purpose of this series is to show that Bible covenants cause the Old and New Testaments to have unity. The Old and New Testaments, are the revelation of One God to a people He is calling out of this world. One can easily see the truth of that statement if he/she looks at God’s plan of redemption via the covenants He entered into with mankind in order to restore him, to redeem him. Excerpts from John Calvin’s Institutes of the Christian Religion will be used to support my purpose statement.

Poverty of Spirit – Matthew 5:3 – a definition

This post contains one commentary explanation of poverty of spirit from Matthew 5:3; it also contains a brief excerpt from two other posts about Jonathan Edwards, the excerpts are extremely relevant to the Matthew 5:3. One of those posts gave glimpses into his struggle for obedience; the other into his analysis of what constituted a truly born again person as opposed to a false convert.

Christian Affliction… Being Exercised… Blessed Fruits — C H Spurgeon

C H Spurgeon’s three sermon points were: the outward appearance of our trials; blessed fruitfulness of trials; and those exercised by trials. It is a 45-minute sermon that mentioned points I had never heard on this topic. The section about being exercised is very beneficial to know if you are in the midst of trials. All Christians will eventually be there. There are sermon highlights, and several term definitions.

Transgender Wedding Controversy… Alistair Begg… Clarity

This post contains a video that looks at several aspects of the Alistair Begg counsel regarding a transgender wedding: it opens with a brief intro about the issue at hand; Alistair Begg’s counsel; the American Family Association Response to Begg’s counsel; John Piper’s response and his biblical counsel for that situation; and a conclusion. The beginning times for each section of the video are provided for those who only want to hear a portion; also, links to source video.

Give Sin a Name: Things Unseen with Sinclair B Ferguson

Pastor Sinclair Ferguson began a new podcast titled, Things Unseen in 2024. Each episode is 4-6 minutes in length. This post contains the episode of 1-19-24 and a link to the other 14 messages he has thus far aired. I got my post of yesterday, John Newton’s hymn, via a reference he made to search the hymn. Ferguson’s most recent several podcasts have been about character types of Christians that Newton identified in a little book he wrote. Each character flaw will remind you of Christians you are in the midst of, perhaps, yourself. Ferguson’s purpose seems to help Christians identify their own flaws for future prayer….

James 1: 2-11 – Trials – Pastor Patrick Ramsey

This post contains a sermon from James 1: 2-11 on God’s purpose in sending trials and how to deal with them such that you might begin to know Christian maturity, fullness… being made perfect. Since all Christians will encounter trials from God to grow their faith, it is critical that you know how to go through these trials; upon what you should focus and why that ought to be your focus. This sermon makes those things very clear.

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