This post provides the basics about taking every thought captive; renewing the mind and witnessing / evangelizing.
Romans 7:7-25 by Pastor Ray Stedman
Herein, Pastor Ray Stedman preached on Romans 7, about the war against sin that the born again believer will experience
Bearing Your Cross In The Christian Life
In the following 4 minute video by Dr. Jeff Mayfield, he explains the concepts in book 3, chapter 8 of Calvin’s Institutes, regarding bearing one’s
Contemplation of Death: Video Instruction; Obituaries of Musicians…
The following video is instructive in that it is a reality check: even rich and famous people are dying everyday. Christians have a blessed inheritance
What Is The Will Of God For You?
Dr. John MacArthur addresses the “will” of God in the following brief sermon excerpt. There is a link at the end of this post for
Marks Of True Conversion: by George Whitefield
Whitefield’s sermon thoroughly explains how one grows in grace once he has been converted; his description of this process mirrors the beatitude declarations of Christ.
Jonathan Edwards: A Glimpse Into His Spiritual Journey, Part 2
“Edwards’s spirituality exhibited itself not only in a deep humility but also in a profound holiness. All who knew him were impressed with his integrity,
Jonathan Edwards: A Glimpse Into His Spiritual Journey, Part 1
“I am tempted, perhaps foolish, to compare the Puritans to the Alps, Luther and Calvin to the Himalayas, and Jonathan Edwards to Mount Everest! He
Sin: Its Role In Christian Growth
Dr. Jeff Mayfield explains how God uses sin to facilitate our Christian growth. He discusses a passage from John Calvin’s Institutes of the Christian Religion: