Failed Pentecostal Missionary Tongues

The video in this post explains how the idea of speaking in tongues morphed in the early 20th century. The YouTube site, Digging Deeper: “The early Pentecostals all believed that the gift of tongues consisted of authentic human languages. Both Charles Fox Parham (Topeka Outpouring) and William J. Seymour (Azusa Street Revival) believed that. How is it then that most of today’s Pentecostals and Charismatics identify the gift of tongues as a spiritual language? The truth is that the redefinition of tongues happened because of a public embarrassment in the founding years of Pentecostalism. I call this event the Great Pentecostal Disappointment. Find out more about it in this video.”

Telling the Truth in a Post-Truth World, Part B – John MacArthur

Dr. MacArthur’s sermon emphasized the necessity of the born-again believer speaking God’s truth in our society. He explained the major problems of this society, and how these are the result of God’s judgment of abandonment.  He briefly traced the social history of that judgment using Romans 1, and went to 2 Corinthians 10 and talked about ideological strongholds, how God’s truth is the only way those fall… that we must be focused on breaking these down by speaking God’s truth. He also explained how false teachers interfere with truth being spoken; and how politicians are increasing judgment by codifying wickedness, and more. 


The following 2-minute sermon excerpt by the YouTube site, 5 Minute Christianity, makes the point that an apostle was present when every miracle of the New Testament occurred. MacArthur went on to specify that people in the churches of Acts had no ‘gift of healing’ as scripture indicates that many suffered illnesses unto death; he said that healing was given as a sign to show unbelievers that the apostle’s teaching was credible…. [Therefore, what is MacArthur implying about modern-day healers?]

Carter Conlon – Is it Time to Run From Your Church? (Sermon Jam)

Jeremiah 5:23 The people are revolting and rebellious… They are gone, their heart is not with God; neither do they desire the fear of the Lord… Run from churches in the US and Canada where the Bible is not preached! Run from churches where there is no theology of the cross; no soul-searching word; no repentance of sin; no mention of the blood of Christ that saves! Run from churches where you’re comfortable in your sin – if you go there with sin in your life and do not experience conviction

Former Life Coach Tells All: New Age Deception in Coaching Industry – Doreen Virtue Interview

Tracy Wren was a successful life coach, teaching Law of Attraction and other new age methods to her clients. Tracy was a workaholic and ambitious life coach, who spent more time coaching rather than focusing upon her family. In this dramatic interview, Tracy describes why she quit her successful life coach practice to follow Jesus. Tracy now warns other Christians about the new age pitfalls of life coaching. She also helps Christians to understand that Law of Attraction is not biblical, and is not what Jesus taught.  [This narrative is from Doreen’s site. A list of highlights is provided for those who do not have 26 minutes to listen to the interview.]

Demonic Tongues and Spirit Impartation, Explained By John MacArthur

In the following 13 minute video, you will see examples of tongue speaking by famous prosperity preachers T D Jakes, Bill Johnson, and Kenneth Copeland, among others. You will also see Bill Johnson’s congregation praying in tongues. Dr. John MacArthur and Phil Johnson discuss the Charismatic movement. There are several links in this post to MacArthur’s Strange Fire conference and other posts that are very related and offer further teaching

When God Sends Mass Delusion, Dr. John MacArthur

This post contains two brief videos: a John MacArthur 4 minute sermon excerpt on 2 Thessalonians 2: 10-11 on God sending delusion and why that occurs; and a 6 minute video that shows that the following phenomena, that are occuring in the church, also occur in occult meetings: uncontrollable laughter; involuntary jerking and shaking; drunkenness; transfer of power, and an invisible force. I believe that the second video is a fine example of God sending delusion to those who will not believe His truth.

Slain In The Spirit, A Biblical Critique By Andreas

The 6 minute video in this post is from Andreas Wiget’s YouTube site; he used the following words to describe it: Is “slain in the spirit” biblical? A quote by Costi Hinn (nephew of Benny Hinn) created heat on my Facebook page. This is a response to some of the arguments. [Andreas cited and explained several scriptural passages to undermine the modern idea of being slain in the Spirit.]

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