Valley Of Vision, Puritan Prayer Book, 1st Prayer

I recently uploaded a video by Pastor Matthew Everhard on The Valley of Vision.
I have owned a copy for a decade or so and I began reading again from it this morning. I have come to understand most of this first prayer in the past 16 years during my Christian walk; however, I do not yet have such experiential understanding.  I wanted to share it because the thoughts are so biblical

Amos 7:12-13 – Kenneth Stewart Sermon

Pastor Kenneth Steward from Glasgow RP Church of Scotland, preached on Amos 7:12 and 13. Sermon points are below the following scriptures …God sent Amos from Judah to prophesy against Israel; Amos went to Bethel, the false religious center of the northern kingdom …Israel had a NEW way of worshipping the one true God; Jeroboam had instituted worship of golden calves in Bethel

The Last Days, As Wickedness Ramps Up [From]

In these last days, we are eye-witnesses to God’s sovereign control over everything that is taking place. He is allowing wicked men to employ their devious schemes to fulfill prophecy. God’s prophetic word tells us there will be a global government that will control the population, a global economy that will control commerce, and a global religion that will force the worship of a false Christ (Rev. 13 & 17). As these events begin to unfold, this blessed generation of God’s people can be encouraged as we keep looking for the blessed hope and the appearing of the glory of our great God and Savior, Christ Jesus (Titus 2:13). The King of kings will defeat evil and set up His everlasting kingdom where justice and righteousness are the foundation of His throne (Psalm 89:14).

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