As A Man Thinketh In His Heart….

This post contains a 13-minute mp4 of the Late Dr. Robert A. Cook’s broadcast, Walk With The King. Today, he talked about thoughts, prayer and the Christian walk. I was impacted by his message and spent time thinking and praying on the matter. After the message, there are scriptures related to the message from throughout the Bible, for those who would like to know more about what the Bible says about thoughts.

Backsliding – Reverend William Macleod

This post contains a 36-minute sermon by the Reverend William Macleod on backsliding. He defines it and discusses how it begins and how it can be remedied. Texts used include Hosea 14; and Hebrews 12. The sermon includes a 3-minute singing of Psalm 63. I had to divide the sermon into 3 sections, each is preceded with sermon highlights for those who’d rather read than listen; and for those who like to do both.

I Must Tell Jesus – Song of Encouragement To Prayer

This post contains two versions of the song, “I must tell Jesus all of my trials….” My next post is about the Lord’s prayer and I thought about this song, which I find to be a great encouragement towards prayer. I purchased the song after hearing it on Family Radio a few times because I thought it such a wonderful encouragement to pray, hopefully you will find it useful

Dealing With Affliction In The Christian Life – Charles Spurgeon Sermon #shorts

The following 1-minute video is from the YouTube site, Christian Sermons and Audio Books. It says a lot about prayer and remaining under God’s afflicting hand.
It took me a long time to realize that when I was under affliction, I habitually sought to escape it, fleeing to something that gave me pleasant feelings, or at least a break from unpleasant ones. I began to understand this problem when I was dealing with cancer and my brother gave me a book titled, The Afflicted Man’s Companion. That book enabled me to many examples of God’s afflicting characters of the Bible and what He expected of them at those times: that they receive it; feel it; remain in it until He removed it, waiting on Him…that they be conformed to the image of Christ

Valley Of Vision, Puritan Prayer Book, 1st Prayer

I recently uploaded a video by Pastor Matthew Everhard on The Valley of Vision.
I have owned a copy for a decade or so and I began reading again from it this morning. I have come to understand most of this first prayer in the past 16 years during my Christian walk; however, I do not yet have such experiential understanding.  I wanted to share it because the thoughts are so biblical

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