Biden Admin Suspends Oil and Gas Leases in Alaska’s Arctic National Wildlife Refuge: Epoch Times

The Biden administration suspended oil and gas drilling leases in Alaska’s Arctic National Wildlife Refuge on June 1, ahead of the outcome of an environmental impact review, reversing a policy that former President Donald Trump had initiated shortly before leaving office. President Joe Biden, on his first day in office in January, placed a temporary ban on the wildlife refuge’s new leases. But on June 1, Secretary of the Interior Deb Haaland issued a memo (pdf) saying that activities in the region must halt pending an analysis. …Republican Alaska Gov. Mike Dunleavy described the move as an “assault on Alaska’s economy” that is tantamount to “federal overreach.”

“Shutting down our lands was not what William Seward intended when Alaska was founded, and we are not going to allow the Biden administration to turn Alaska into a giant national park,” he said, referring to Seward, the U.S. secretary of state between 1861 and 1869, who negotiated the Alaska purchase in 1868.

Doreen Virtue’s Conversion Testimony From The New Age To Christianity

In January 2015, Doreen Virtue was listening to her car radio and heard a sermon by Pastor Alistair Begg about false prophets. Doreen recognized that she matched the description of a false prophet, and she began going to church. In early 2017, she began studying the Bible. When she read Deuteronomy 18:10-12, which lists the sinful activities of the new age, Doreen repented and gave her life to our Lord and Savior Jesus.

California’s Newly Proposed School Curriculum; Pagan gods over reading and writing: Sky News

Sky News host, Rowan Dean goes into specifics about how California children will be required to chant to Pagan gods.
Dean says it is the education system where all the “mad lefty lunacy” we are engulfed in stems from, as the Californian Board of Education votes to adopt Ethnic Studies as a voluntary subject.
“As we know, California is the wokest of all the American states, riddled with political correctness, identity politics, and neo-Marxist ideologies disguised as Black Lives Matter and so on,”

Opinion: Joe Biden Just Made the Worst Foreign Policy Blunder Since 1950: Epoch Times

By dismissing the Chinese regime’s atrocities against the Uyghurs, a Muslim minority who live in Xinjiang in northwest China, as part of “different norms,” Biden could be plunging the world into an international crisis sooner than any of us could have imagined. …Regardless of the luxuries in which Americans live, it remains true that, in every era, there are regimes that are barbaric or seek domination of their people and often the regions around them, if not more. China is one such country. Recently, it was reported by the New York Post that “The State Department said it was ‘deeply disturbed’ by a report that claims Muslim women being held in Chinese re-education camps detaining millions of Uighurs are being systematically raped, sexually abused and tortured.” While not every atrocity can be remedied by the United States, none of them should be tolerated. All of them should be met by statements from our Commander in Chief that America aspires for freedom for everyone and that no atrocity can be justified or tolerated….

Biden’s Call Upon Congress To Restrict Gun Ownership Is Wrongheaded, Erroneous

President Biden just called on Congress to limit gun ownership, citing the Parkland School shootings as the basis of his rationale; a year ago, I covered that topic via several brief videos wherein Andrew Pollack, father of one of the Parkland shooting victims, investigated the matter, discovering that the real cause of the shootings was very lenient disciplinary strategies, imported to the Parkland school from the Chicago school districts by the Obama administration. Mr Pollack has spoken nationally on the matter, he even appeared at the RNC this past October, emphasizing his support for former president Trump because of his policies

How to Live in an Upside Down World; by Dr. John MacArthur

Via the 20 minute sermon in this post, Dr. John MacArthur brings much clarity regarding the catastrophic social changes unfolding before our eyes. If you have been distressed about what you see happening in politics, religion, education…then you may glean the kind of understanding which could redirect you and enable you to find meaning and purpose in the midst of this seeming chaos, strengthening your walk with the Lord.

‘The True Face of the Chinese Communist Party Has Been Exposed’: Secretary Pompeo: Epoch Times

“You go back all the way to Tiananmen Square. We’ve known the nature of this regime, and frankly, freedom-loving people across the world who have known the nature of authoritarian regimes throughout history. And yet we ignored it,” Pompeo answered. Pompeo explained that the reason for the disregard of the CCP’s (Chinese Communist Party) grave human rights violations was a great extent due to the existence of a belief that if the United States engaged in fair and reciprocal trade and engagement, the situation would ameliorate, however, reality showed that the idea was clearly “false all the way through.” …“Even when you look at Europe and Australia and Southeast Asia, they know to, they know that the Chinese Communist Party is up to no good.”

A Time for Choosing: A Test for Our Souls: Epoch Times Editorial Board

Some Americans are ignorant of these facts because they have been misinformed by a media that willfully withholds information. The reason for this might surprise you. There has been a force quietly at work in our country, in plain sight, that has gradually taken over ideological control of most of our institutions, businesses, media, and even our culture. This force is Marxism and communism. For those who have been following this story, there is no surprise here. For those who have never heard of this, it sounds far-fetched and unbelievable. It is not that we weren’t alerted. It was the stated goal of the Soviet Union to infiltrate our political parties, media, and academia, in an effort to subvert America from within. This process is now almost completed.This decades-long communist subversion of our nation came to a head in the 2020 election.

A Perfect Storm Seeks Destruction of the US: Epoch Times, Commentary

And so, in the name of “health,” they mask and muzzle us, restrict our freedom of movement and faith in the open defiance of the Constitution, vilify our culture, proscribe our words and thoughts, erase the canons of our arts and literature, destroy the middle class and their sources of livelihood, and tell us it’s for our own good. Because we’re so incorrigibly bad. They’re not just trying to cancel Odysseus, or Shakespeare, or even Trump anymore, they’re trying to cancel you. What are you going to do about it?

Porking the Supreme Court: Linda Goudsmit [from]

The 2020 American presidential election is the tipping point in America. Will Americans support America-first President Donald J. Trump and recommit themselves to blind justice and the nonpartisan rule of law as Amy Coney Barrett did?? Or will Americans choose to descend further into the financially corrupt world of globalism’s Joe Biden, and the lawlessness of radical leftist Democrat Kamala Harris? …The current anti-American revolution convulsing the United States today is a war on America designed to collapse our constitutional republic in preparation for globalist one-world government. Socialism is the stepping stone. The transitional Biden/Harris socialist government would pack the Supreme Court.

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