Is Government the New God? The New Religion of Totalitarianism

The following 13 minute video by Academy of Ideas describes the totalitarian movement that is currently sweeping the globe. They characterize it as a religion requiring absolute loyalty of its followers; a religion wherein the ‘state’ is god.

Past failures of such systems are stated while they point out that similar current abuses by those in power are quite easy to identify for those who are willing to see them.

As I listened to the video, I realized that I wanted to comment on some things they did not emphasize, chiefly, what keeps people believing in the utopian lies of this totalitarian system.

As you listen to the video, consider the following points:

  • Political correctness is the enforcing arm of the state; it is also the holy writ of this secular religion
  • What is the source of PC? It comes from some person, such as it did from Stalin or Lenin
  • Who is that person in the 21st century? Some say it is a small group of wealthy people in charge of the banks? It certainly isn’t anyone like our president
  • What moves such people? Greed and lust for power, I’m guessing, as the Bible makes clear that all humans struggle with such inherent fleshly things
  • PC is unlike the holy writ of the Bible, in that it is whimsical, unpredictable, cold, calculating…
  • It is unlike Holy Scripture in that its source is very fallible; corrupt; power hungry…
  • It is unlike Holy Scripture in that it is continually changing
  • It is unlike Holy Scripture in that its adherents may be shot at sunrise for failing to submit absolutely
  • The god of the state is not compassionate – people who are considered obstacles are eliminated; take note regarding how the CCP does away with dissenters
  • If you submit to this little god of the state, then you have aligned yourself against the true and living God of this universe; the one who has numbered the hairs on your head and knows your very thoughts
  • If you are leaning towards becoming a member of this new utopian totalitarian society, then you might want to read through the Bible quickly, to learn a little about the God you are aligning yourself against
  • If you think this talk about the state being a new religion is foolishness, then just consider that people are being called to repent to other people for having been part of the oppressor group
  • The Bible states that only God can grant forgiveness
  • The Bible states that a person is permitted to worship only the true and living God, not angels (who are many times more powerful than any human); not human kings… and certainly not a human that has been designated a ‘victim’ and claims authority over you
  • God gave you reason and a mind that can weigh options and choose; if you bow down to some banker who is hiding behind the curtain of current events, and forsake the true, living God, then your soul will pay a terrible price a second after your earthly life ends



***To learn more about social Marxism, which is driving this totalitarian movement, see CATEGORIES, CRT / CT; and, Social Justice and Identity Politics.

***The following posts also instruct on various aspects of this new totalitarianism:

Vladimir Lenin called those who helped him come into power, Useful Idiots; the following linked post will tell you more about them:

The following post will familiarize you with the man whose writings inspired both Hillary and Barack; this man’s writings are also the handbook for political leftism; take a glimpse at his writings whether or not you are a leftist: