Not By Works – Galatians 2:15-21 – Pastor Patrick Ramsey

This post contains an mp3 sermon by Pastor Patrick Ramsey on Galatians 2:15-21. The way of salvation is not by works of the law. His sermon explained in great detail why this is so. Sermon points include more information than usual because this is an important point to grasp – every religion in the world, except Christianity, [and many of them wrongly] believes that one can earn righteousness to satisfy God’s wrath against sin… to get into heaven. The Bible says that is not true. The book of Galatians makes that very clear

Christophobia: War Against Christianity – Persecution/Martyrdom of Christians Today – Peter Hammond

I received the following video notification from Christian Sermons and Audio Books this morning and was alarmed by its contents, particularly in regard to the numbers of Christians being martyred currently in the world. Video highlights are included in this post. Please listen, this is a wake up call to remind Christians that we are on a battle field and need to act accordingly….

Galatians 5:17 For the desires of the flesh are against the Spirit….

Learning to walk in the Spirit is absolutely essential if you would please God and make it into heaven. I am not satisfied with my own comprehension of such verses found in Paul’s epistles. These verses specifically identify a problem that occurs throughout scripture in that God calls us to repent and obey, and we want to rule our own lives and follow our own inclinations…. Seeing the problem clearly in your own walk is the first step in rectifying it. Exhortations that hold out the solution are found in the epistles and generally in scripture; that would be submitting to the Spirit’s guidance out of a love of God; using God’s appointed means, the armor He has given us with which to fight the fight of faith. But to use God’s appointed means of prayer and scripture reading, e.g., when we are bent on pleasure seeking to fulfill the inclinations/lusts of our heart, is impossible….

Reformed Church in America splits….

This post contains an article by Religion News Service on the split of the Reformed Church in America. I am posting it because it is an ominous marker, a concrete sign that can be seen and measured, regarding the decline of the biblical church in America. This organization split over LGBTQ issues. Those more concerned with following the Bible than with being socially acceptable, broke away, forming a new denomination.

Guarding the Heart by Joel Fick — Tabletalk Magazine Ligonier Ministries

If you’ve ever owned a car or a home, you know that deferred maintenance often leads to much more serious and expensive repairs. Doing ordinary, regular, and required maintenance can extend the life of a car or a house for many years. So it is with keeping our hearts. If in our work of surveillance we find that our hearts are growing cold or calloused, we need to make sure that we are doing the necessary upkeep to maintain the spiritual condition of the castle. Fortunately, the Lord has given us a way to ensure that our hearts are maintained. We call these things the ordinary means of grace, which include attending to the reading and preaching of the Word, the sacraments, and prayer….

The Call of the Christian Soldier by Megan K. Taylor, Tabletalk Magazine

The article in this post is from Ligonier Ministries, Tabletalk magazine; it is about those things that entangle the Christian soldier. The author, Megan K. Taylor, uses examples of WWII propaganda, and worldly things around us that move us to crave the comforts of civilian life as opposed to getting out and staying on the Christian battle field; she also provided some ideas about dis-“entangling” oneself such as to rejoin the ranks of the active Christian soldiers

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