Former Life Coach Tells All: New Age Deception in Coaching Industry – Doreen Virtue Interview

Tracy Wren was a successful life coach, teaching Law of Attraction and other new age methods to her clients. Tracy was a workaholic and ambitious life coach, who spent more time coaching rather than focusing upon her family. In this dramatic interview, Tracy describes why she quit her successful life coach practice to follow Jesus. Tracy now warns other Christians about the new age pitfalls of life coaching. She also helps Christians to understand that Law of Attraction is not biblical, and is not what Jesus taught.  [This narrative is from Doreen’s site. A list of highlights is provided for those who do not have 26 minutes to listen to the interview.]

Slain In The Spirit, A Biblical Critique By Andreas

The 6 minute video in this post is from Andreas Wiget’s YouTube site; he used the following words to describe it: Is “slain in the spirit” biblical? A quote by Costi Hinn (nephew of Benny Hinn) created heat on my Facebook page. This is a response to some of the arguments. [Andreas cited and explained several scriptural passages to undermine the modern idea of being slain in the Spirit.]

Beth Moore’s wild unbiblical teachings: Michelle Lesley interview, By Doreen Virtue

The following interview by Doreen Virtue is to help Christians understand what is wrong with Beth Moore’s teaching. This post contains a 12 minute excerpt of Doreen’s interview; the excerpt contains numerous video clips of Beth Moore’s unbiblical teaching which are critiqued by Lesley. There are several other videos in this blog about Moore’s false teachings, see CATEGORIES, Beth Moore to view those.

What Is Progressive Christianity?

Progressive Christianity derived from emergent Christianity; they believe that Christianity progresses and therefore they are okay with feminism, LGBTQ, CRT etc. There are two brief videos in this post, the first provides more details about Progressive Christianity, and the second talks about one aspect of it, the myth of the Hero’s Journey

Doreen Virtue’s Conversion Testimony From The New Age To Christianity

In January 2015, Doreen Virtue was listening to her car radio and heard a sermon by Pastor Alistair Begg about false prophets. Doreen recognized that she matched the description of a false prophet, and she began going to church. In early 2017, she began studying the Bible. When she read Deuteronomy 18:10-12, which lists the sinful activities of the new age, Doreen repented and gave her life to our Lord and Savior Jesus.

The Blindness of Ministers, J. C. Ryle 2 Minute Devotional

The following 2 minute devotional by J. C. Ryle uses scripture to warn those who fail to check their preachers words against scriptures, as the apostle Paul encouraged believers to do. Jesus asked, in the gospel of Luke, 6:39, “Can a blind man lead a blind man, will they not both fall into the pit?” He was talking about false religious teachers and their hearers. Jesus’ intended to warn of the danger of listening to false teachers; this devotional offers insight

Signs of False Prophets in The Church by Voddie Baucham

In the Sermon On The Mount, Jesus exhorted that His followers examine the fruits of teachers to distinguish the true from the false – fruits are explained by Dr. Baucham. Dr. Baucham emphasized the necessity of knowing scripture as it is what preachers and teachers are to be explaining; and if you do not understand what is on the pages of scripture, then there is no way you can identify a false teacher; he also explained how to evaluate teachers and their doctrines and more

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