In the following 9 minute Librivox recording of chapter 1 of Calvin’s Institutes, the connection between the knowledge of God and knowledge of self is
Category: KNOWING God and self
The Faculties of the Soul – the Image of God – Free Will – Original Righteousness: Calvin’s Institutes, Book 1, Ch. 15
There are two videos below, the first is 38 minutes; and the second, an excerpt, is 6 minutes long. I advise listening to the contents,
Divine Providence: John Calvin’s Institutes of The Christian Religion: Chapters 16 and 17
There are 3 videos below. The first is 38 minutes and is the groundwork for the following two videos on Providence. Videos 2 and 3
The Need of Scripture as a Guide and Teacher in Coming to God as a Creator, John Calvin’s Institutes, 1:6
The following 14 minute video is from Calvin’s Institutes of the Christian Religion. I am posting it as a Bible reader to Christians that are