…There was a very clear and cogent lesson from an otherwise confusing chapter: the end will come. Have you ever wondered why the Bible speaks of the last days so often? By one count, nearly 150 chapters in the Bible deal with the end times in some fashion or another. …First, knowing that an end is coming enforces the proper priorities. …Second, knowing that an end is coming encourages a personal piety. …Third, knowing that an end is coming engenders a profound peace.
Category: Judgment / Hell
Precious Remedies Against Satan’s Devices – Thomas Brooks
The following are the 12 DEVICES that Satan uses to draw the soul to sin. I included no REMEDIES that Brooks noted in his book, but wanted readers to know these such that they might be moved to read his book. Usually, Brooks provided 4 – 8 remedies about each device, in a few cases, more. Also, part of the table of contents is herein: Satan’s DEVICES to keep souls from holy duties; DEVICES to keep saints in sad condition; DEVICES to destroy and ensnare; Five more of Satan’s DEVICES; Seven characteristics of false teachers; Six propositions concerning Satan and his devices; and, Conclusion: ten special helps and rules
The Rich Man and Lazarus – Luke 16:19-31 – R C Sproul
“There is no bridge from hell to heaven. Once this life comes to an end, it is too late to repent of sin and look to Christ for mercy. In this sermon, R.C. Sproul continues his sermon series in the gospel of Luke by examining one of Jesus’ most sobering parables.” The parable of the rich man and Lazarus, Luke 16:19-31. Sermon points are provided for this 32-minute sermon.
Precious Remedies Against Satan’s Devices, Chapter 2 (Part 1) | Thomas Brooks
This post contains an audio book reading of the first two of Satan’s “devices” and two of the four remedies for each device. There is also text from the Kindle version so you can follow along, as recommended on the intro portion of this video series (not included in this post). Included is a link to the entire series for interested readers.
Are there distinctions of sin in hell? Ligonier Ministries Q&A Panel
Is everyone punished equally in hell? Or are there distinctions of punishment? From Ligonier’s 2016 National Conference, R.C. Sproul, Steven Lawson, and Albert Mohler explain that more heinous sins receive greater condemnation. Get answers to your biblical and theological questions online as they arise at https://ask.ligonier.org/
A Study Of Selected Verses From Proverbs 5 and 7
In Proverbs 5:5 and 6, Solomon talked about how the harlot leads one from the path of life – she has no concern for it, and will lead you from it by her wiles; and in Proverbs 7, he made a statement that she will lead a man down the path to death like an ox is led to the slaughter – he doesn’t know he is going to his death…. Some excerpts from commentaries are used to give significance and clarification to these verses and a couple from Hosea
What is your life? C H Spurgeon sermon
In this post is an excerpt and a whole sermon by C H Spurgeon on James 4:14 yet you do not know what tomorrow will bring. What is your life? For you are a mist that appears for a little time and then vanishes. The 11-minute excerpt provides a taste of the rest of the sermon. It is valuable for all, as no one knows when his sojourn here will be at an end.
Hell, Part 1, Dr John Gerstner
Many people deny the existence of the afterlife, especially the existence of hell. In this series, Dr. Gerstner reminds us of the biblical truth: hell and heaven are real, and how we live today has eternal consequences. Drawing from the writing and preaching of Jonathan Edwards, he considers the terrors of hell, the treasures of heaven, and the reality that all of us will one day come face to face with God.
America As The New Athens – Pastor Patrick Hines
The sermon of this post uses the apostle Paul’s speech to the Athenians from Acts 17, to explain our current culture and how we need to present the gospel message today. Pastor Hines explains that our culture is post-Christian and most do not know the basic historical foundational points of Christianity and believe, for example, that our worldview is only one option among many. [Many are becoming aware of what is happening in schools, how children are being indoctrinated into Pagan worldviews; but this type of indoctrination has been happening for 50 years or more in our culture, so many adults are unfamiliar with biblical truth that is essential to salvation and a correct understanding of themselves, God and purpose in living…. This sermon provides information that is as essential to Christians as R C Sproul’s dvd on the Christian Worldview.]