‘Biden is Calling Up Military Reserves…Are Your Kids Next?’: Ron Paul

…As a rule, US war reporting since Vietnam has been mostly mainstream media cheerleading the mission rather than digging beyond government war propaganda. After all, it was images of American boys coming home in body bags shown on the six o’clock news across America that finally galvanized mainstream opposition to that war. …Take for example last week’s shocking report that President Biden has signed an order to mobilize 3,000 US military reservists for deployment to Europe in support of the 2014 “Operation Atlantic Resolve.” What is Atlantic Resolve? It was launched in the aftermath of the US-backed coup in Ukraine and the ensuing unrest under the US-installed puppet government. So, if Russia is losing – or has already lost, as Biden said last week – why has it suddenly become necessary to call up US reserve forces? Well …US military recruiting crises ever, it seems Washington does not have sufficient troops for its anti-Russia mission in Ukraine.

The Fact-Check Racket Finally Unravels – Epoch Times Commentary

Before the COVID lockdowns, social media companies had started contracting with new third-parties organizations called fact-checkers to assist in “content creation.” Getting a pass meant the post or story was amplified but getting dinged for inaccuracy meant that the post would be throttled or deleted…. As time went on, the attempts to censor became more brazen and obvious. Then the Twitter files and other FOIAs generated proof of what many suspected all along. These entities were funded either directly or indirectly by government or by other dark-money sources as quid pro quos for other relationships they had cultivated with interested parties. In other words, they were not some independent, science-based entities at all but rather hit squads with a hard political agenda. What was actually happening here was a form of censorship laundering. Government wants to censor but cannot so it turns to the social-media company to do the dirty work.


Video description from Agenda Weekly:  The TRANSgender EMPIRE (12 minutes). Chris Rufo’s new exposé links the “transgender empire” back to large-scale medical experiments in a Detroit ghetto. MUST WATCH, but not for children! [This video also clearly shows the political nature of the trans movement and the goals of that movement, to make your children androgynous and communists; to ready this nation for communism…. My long series on Paganism, based on a book by Dr Peter Jones, addresses many of these issues from a cultural perspective: the drug, sex, music revolution of the 60’s to date.]

AGENDA Weekly Brief Week of July 8-14 of 2023 by Curtis Bowers

This issue of Agenda Weekly briefly discusses events which include the following: STUDY PROVES COVID VACCINES KILL; DEEP STATE PROTECTS BIDENS, PUNISHES ENEMIES…AGAIN; WRAY LIES BEFORE CONGRESS; MEDIA ATTACKS “SOUND OF FREEDOM:” [One important note from under that sub-heading: Ed. Note: On May 12, the Biden Administration removed “International Sex Trafficking of Minors,” “Domestic Sex Trafficking of Minors,” and “Child Victims of Prostitution” from the Department of Justice’s Child Sex Trafficking website section. Why?]; MEDIA WARNS OF “MISINFORMATION” OVER 2024 ELECTION; NEARLY 40% OF STUDENTS AT BROWN IDENTIFY AS LGBTQ; and more

Federal Judge Bans Biden’s HHS, FBI from Colluding with Big Tech to Suppress Online Free Speech (Read Injunction) – American Faith

It is “likely” provable that the Biden administration “used its power to silence” the following, according to Doughty: [o]pposition to COVID-19 vaccines; opposition to COVID-19 masking and lockdowns; opposition to the lab-leak theory of COVID-19; opposition to the validity of the 2020 election; opposition to President Biden’s policies; statements that the Hunter Biden laptop story was true; opposition to policies of the government officials in power. “All were suppressed,” the judge stated, emphasizing the biased political nature of the Biden admin’s censorship practices, targeting right-wing voices.

‘High Likelihood of a Causal Link Between COVID-19 Vaccines and Death’: Pre-Print Lancet Study – American Faith

The article in this post is about Covid19 vaccination injuries; the following topics are discussed: risk of contracting COVID-19 is higher among those who have received more COVID vaccines; nearly half of women experienced menstrual cycle related symptoms; vaccine related to female genital ulcers; Brownstone institute reported that Covid19 vaccination as cause of death was concealed or under reported; R.F. Kennedy Jr., stated that no childhood vaccine has undergone pre-licensing safety studies; Steve Kirsch, to senate, we cannot find an autistic child who is unvaccinated; and, Bill Gates developed Malaria drugs then released genetically modified mosquitoes into the US

The Inflationary Pillaging of America – Epoch Times Commentary

It’s been three and a half years from the start of the inflationary menace to the current plight of the dollar relative to its purchasing power. And please, as you read this, keep in mind that when we speak of the value of the dollar, there are two ways this is measured. The first is its value against the goods and services it can buy. The second is its value against the other currencies it can buy. These are too often conflated. It is massively important to take this into account because otherwise the headline news can be extremely confusing. When reporters go on about the strong dollar, they are referring to its value against other currencies…. You might have thought you were getting a great gift when the government started dropping thousands of dollars into your bank account. It was a head fake for the ages, a clear example of the government’s using clever tricks to get your support for its own plot against your well-being….

AGENDA Weekly – Behind The Scenes Week of May 27 – June 2 – 2023 – Curtis Bowers

This issue includes the following videos: Curtis Bowers weekly video. SUPPORT VIDEOS: Doctors Were Given Bonus Checks of $250,000 if 70% of Patients Were Vaccinated (1 minute); Revolution Is Only Way to Escape the Fed’s Planned Crisis (28 minutes). G. Edward Griffin…; Final Days – Documentary by Stew Peters (65 minutes). Great film exposing the scientific technological elite and their desire to become gods…. ARTICLE LINKS: June Is Life Month, Not Pride Month by Owen Strachen; : The Origins Of Queer Communism by Cliff Kincaid: The communists exported Cultural Marxism to the United States…; Loosen Technology’s Grip on Your Mind by Corey Lynn; Three Years Later, No Justice for BLM Insurrection in D.C. by Julie Kelly

AGENDA Weekly Brief Week of May 27 – June 2, 2023 – Curtis Bowers

This issue includes briefs on the following stories: REPUBLICANS CAVE ON DEBT CEILING FIGHT; TARGET RECEIVES BOMB THREATS FROM TRANS ACTIVISTS; CHICK-FIL-A TRENDS WOKE; UNIPARTY ATTACKS TEXAS AG; MORE SMOKING GUN ELECTION FRAUD PROOF FROM AZ; AMERICANS ARE GROWING UP LATER [Pew Research finds that young Americans are reaching five key life milestones later than their predecessors 40 years ago]; FRANKLIN GRAHAM WARNS OF PERSECUTION IN AMERICA; and ARE VACCINES BEHIND AUTISM SPIKE? There are also links to numerous articles relevant to many of the above topics.

Final Days – Stew Peters

Karen Kingston, biotech analyst, formerly employed by one of the vaccine companies, herein explains bio technology. In the process, she explains the origin and purpose of the COVID19 pandemic. She also explains the biotech weapon that was administered with the COVID vaccine. She is not the only one who talks about COVID and the subsequent vaccine in this manner, David Martin, of the Parliament in Brussels, earlier this month, described is in a similar manner. The video closes by comparing the global elites and their schemes for controlling the earth and ushering in transhumanism to those who built the tower of Babel so they could storm heaven.

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