Though many Christians talk about being “born again,” few actually understand what this phrase means. What is this mysterious work of the Holy Spirit that changes our hearts and causes us to place our faith in Jesus Christ for salvation? In this message, R.C. Sproul addresses the mysterious nature of regeneration and the effects that the new birth produces in our lives. [Sermon highlights are provided]
Category: Doctrine / Theology
Wisdom And Folly: Foundations Of Grace – Old Testament With Steven Lawson
“As Christians, we can take comfort in knowing that our entire lives take place under the sovereign rule of an all-wise God. In this message, Steven Lawson opens the books of Proverbs and Ecclesiastes to remind us that the Lord has appointed all things for the right time, including the salvation of His elect.” [After the sermon highlight points and the video, for those who would like to see additional scriptures on God’s sovereignty that are very plain, seven are noted; there is also a ‘study recommendations’ section that has two links to a post on the order of salvation and one on Bible covenants]
Christ Always Lives To Intercede, by Jeff Mayfield
In the 6 minute video of this post, Jeff Mayfield explains chapter 8 of Dane Ortland’s book, Gentle and Lowly. Herein, Christ’s intercession for believers is discussed in terms of Hebrews 7:25. Once a believer realized it is impossible to make himself acceptable to God the Father, he is inclined to solely trust in Christ. This message is very encouraging if you have been struggling and failing in your fight against sin.
Holiness, by J C Ryle, Sanctification, Part 3B
This post contains material from chapter 3 of J C Ryle’s book, Holiness; specifically, what he identified ten visible behaviors that characterize one who is becoming sanctified.
Holiness, by J C Ryle, Sanctification, Part 3A
This post is the first of two about sanctification; it consists of passages copied and pasted from chapter 3 of J C Ryle’s book, Holiness. The contemporary evangelical church errs greatly in its understanding of basic doctrines of the faith: regeneration, repentance, faith, justification and sanctification. This mini series based on Ryle’s book will provide information about those topics for Christians who want to walk in the narrow way. Most of the church today is on the broad way, according to, for example, what Jesus taught in Matthew; and what Paul taught in Romans and Galatians. Ryle’s book is biblical.
The Saints and The Mark of The Beast – Voddie Baucham |Who Will Take The Mark And Worship The Beast?
The saints and the mark of the beast. Who will take the mark and worship the beast? Voddie Baucham explains in details in this video what happens to the saints during the great tribulation. [Caption under video at John Henry’s YouTube site: The Gospel Of Christ.]
Jesus Will Never Cast You Out: Jeff Mayfield, Part 6
In the following 4 minute video, Dr. Jeff Mayfield highlights chapter 6 of Dane Ortland’s book, Gentle and Lowly; Mayfield provides numerous examples of why Jesus will not cast out:
A Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing – Theological Liberalism: The Classic Collection with R.C. Sproul
“We are living in a day when liberal theology has made deep inroads in the church. Many professing Christians and even ordained ministers no longer believe in the authority of Scripture or the resurrection of Jesus Christ. How can people deny these essential doctrines and still call themselves Christians? In this message, Dr. Sproul explains that liberal Christianity is not Christianity at all. It is nothing more than unbelief.”
Many Are Called And Few Are Chosen – Q&A Response By Dr. John MacArthur
In this post, a questioner asked Dr. MacArthur about the difference between true Christians and counterfeits; MacArthur framed his response in terms of the scripture ‘many are called and few are chosen.’ The video response is just over a minute in length.