In the 25-minute mp4 of this post, Pastor Hines explains biblical covenant theology as it reveals God’s plan of redemption in the Old and New Testaments. You will find that it is wrong to say, “the Old Testament was law and the New, grace;” or, “we are living in the day of grace,” as though those in the Old Testament were not saved by grace also. Many Christians, who have not formed a habit of reading through their Bibles, err in that they think wrongly about the Old Testament saints, how they were saved by God.
Category: Doctrine / Theology
Dispensationalism, History And Theology By Pastor Patrick Hines [Salvation And Eschatology Part 1]
This post contains a sermon by Pastor Patrick Hines on the history of dispensationalism. In the process of explaining that, he addresses the pre-millennial and a-millennial views of end times. That is the chief reason I am blogging his message. The next post in this mini series will be about covenant theology, which is about the history of redemption as viewed by way of Bible covenants. That theology undermines dispensationalist’s views about end times and about how God dispensed salvation to Israel and the church; as covenant theology believes that Israel was the church from the beginning, via Abraham.
Christians Will Be Tested During These Last Days by James Coates
Pastor James Coates preached on Joshua 1:7 in the 13-minute video excerpt of this post. The following are a few points from the sermon: Biblical courage is the resolve to do what God demands in the face of any and all opposition, regardless of the outcome or cost, and to do it in a Christ-like manner as fruit of the Spirit, otherwise, your courage is fleshly. To be strong and courageous is to be resolute in the discharge of duty. As: 1Corinthians 15:58 Therefore, my beloved brothers, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that in the Lord your labor is not in vain. As: 16:13 Be watchful, stand firm in the faith, act like men, be strong. God called Joshua to have such convictions
Biblical Creation VS Evolution – By Pastor Patrick Hines
In this post, Pastor Patrick Hines discusses the theories of creation and evolution. Many young readers may never have heard what he discusses from the Bible; people who were in high school between the years of 1968 and 1987 may not have heard each stated in a equal manner, as theories. Afterwards, only evolution was taught in biology class. If you have never read through the Bible, and you call yourself Christian, then please listen to this video. I provided highlight points for the initial 16 minutes which covered introductory remarks
Why Is Repentance Necessary? – J C Ryle [3-minute excerpt]
The following 3-minute excerpt of an 80-minute Ryle Audio book about the necessity of repentance for heaven. I excerpted this brief section of Ryle’s message because his words offer a unique perspective regarding getting to heaven. I believe that his words will make it easier for you to accurately critique your own desires concerning heaven. Sermon highlight points are provided and a link to the entire audio book.
Pastor Tim Conway – Key To The Renewed Mind
This post contains an 11-minute excerpt of a Tim Conway sermon on renewing the mind. There is a list of sermon highlights of the video. He says a lot about how the word impacts those who abide in it. This is for every Christian, as new and old Christians alike may have trouble abiding in God’s word.
The Sins You Won’t Give Up – Pastor Tim Conway
There are two brief videos in this post, each are sermon excerpts of pastor Tim Conway sermons. The first provides a useful picture of the problem of repentance and the second a graphic depiction of hell. Each will slap you startle you with a dose of biblical reality. We all tend to backslide on occasion, even the great warrior king and poet, David backslid. I believe many Christians are grateful for his failure, as it demonstrated to all who read the Bible that God is merciful and forgiving; and sinners may start walking with God again, even after great failures. The videos provide warnings and encouragement for such as are in need of these.
A Picture Of Repentance – Voddie Baucham Sermon Excerpt
This post contains a 14-minute sermon excerpt of Matthew 7:13 and 14 by Voddie Baucham. He describes the narrow gate and hard way very clearly; he also provided a clear biblical picture of repentance. If you were saved via the sinner’s prayer, then you will be shocked. There are a few other pastors in our time that describe these things similarly, John MacArthur and Paul Washer for example. I chose to excerpt this brief section from his 72-minute sermon for that picture of repentance, as I believe it is rarely preached in the church of our day. If you want to understand just what the way of life that Christ described in Matthew 7 looks like, then please listen to this excerpt. The last 3 minutes are a closing prayer. Baucham’s entire sermon is also posted for those who might like to hear it. I listened to it several times over the past week; it is worthy of book marking and returning to until it is digested
How Is The Lord Jesus Christ Our Kinsman Redeemer?
Dr. James Boyce was preaching on the Jubilee year today. As he talked about the various aspects of this topic, he came to discuss the kinsman redeemer. I was familiar with that idea from the book of Ruth; but I did not know that Boaz was a type of Christ. The initial 3 minutes of the following mp4, are about the kinsman redeemer and how it is that the Lord Jesus Christ fulfills that role to us; the other 7 minutes of the sermon include some related material about property…regarding the Jubilee year.
The Dark World of Gender Ideology and Homosexuality – Voddie Baucham, John MacArthur, Matt Walsh, HB
Vlogger John Henry’s video description: Gender ideology, homosexuality, and queer theory are the things that I didn’t know were closely related… until I stumbled the across the infamous documentary What is a woman? by Matt Walsh from the Daily Wire, and several teachings of Voddie Baucham, John MacArthur, and H. B. Charles on the subject of gender theory and homosexuality. What ensued after was a dive into rabbit hole unlike any other, from corrupt and immoral laws, to debauchery, to a wretched and unbiblical lifestyle, to a whole new way of thinking about sex and sexuality. This… is the dark world of Gender ideology and Homosexuality.