The Most Hated Christian Doctrine – John MacArthur

Dr. MacArthur opened his sermon by mentioning a few questions from a survey on evangelicalism; participant responses, by percentage, were given. That modern evangelicalism suffers from biblical illiteracy was apparent. He put that on church leaders for their teaching that falls short of scripture, and is largely devoid of truth. He talked about how hard it is to witness the biblical gospel because it must begin with ‘the most hated doctrine’ of scripture, that man is a depraved sinner. He used scripture to show what happened to Jesus, and then to the disciples for teaching that biblical gospel. [If you’re a new Christian, or have been under unbiblical teaching for some time, then this sermon will help you understand the biblical perspective of the gospel and witnessing it].

Contentment And The Crook In The Lot – Pastor Patrick Hines / Puritan Thomas Boston

The Crook In The Lot is a book by Puritan Thomas Boston. In this podcast, Pastor Hines reads from Boston’s book and discusses it in terms of Christian afflictions. The three parts of the book stated: 1. Every crook in your lot is God’s making; 2. What God sees fit to mar in your lot, you will not be able to mend; 3, contemplation of the crook in your lot, as the work of God, is the proper means to help you walk rightly under it [highlight points were given for the initial 23 minutes of the podcast]

Self-Denial Defined, Wilhelmus A Brakel

The 5-minute video of this post is on self-denial. It is defined by Wilhelmus A Brakel, who wrote a work titled, The Christian’s Reasonable Service.  In his work, the part on self-denial consists of several parts, of which the following video reading is the first. The other sections are noted below the video; also, a link to the Kindle version of A Brakel’s 4-volume work at Amazon.

Octavius Winslow – It is I! / Christian Devotional Reading

There are two devotional readings on this 5-minute video. The first, titled, It Is I, is Christ comforting the believer and telling him of the source of his afflictions and comfort.  The playlist from which this video came is linked because it contains 40 other videos that are about spiritual struggles; spiritual darkness; affliction; learning to lean on Jesus; prayer; self-denial defined; and other things that all born-again believers need to understand and / or will experience. 

Psalm 23 Sung By Aileen Gilchrist

The 5-minute video of this post is the 23rd Psalm sung by Aileen Gilchrist. I linked this playlist, from the YouTube site, Christian Sermons and Audio Books, it has 10 other videos which are apparently the most popular videos on his site; that list includes music and sermons.

End Times Fiction With Gary Demar – Apologia Studios [Salvation And Eschatology, Part 6]

In the following 9-minute video, Dr. Gary Demar explains the Olivet Discourse of Matthew 24, in terms of the context and time of application. The following explanation of the Olivet Discourse is from Got The Olivet Discourse is the name given to the orderly and extended teaching given by Jesus Christ on the Mount of Olives. His subject is the end times. This discourse is recorded in Matthew 24:1 – 25:46. Parallel passages are found in Mark 13:1-37 and Luke 21:5-36. The record in Matthew is the most extensive, so reference here will be to Matthew’s Gospel, linked at the end of post.

The Rapture And Postmillennialism Explained | with Jeff Durbin [Salvation And Eschatology, Part 5]

In this post are 3 videos; the first is an excerpt of Pastor Durbin explaining how he came to hold the post-mill view. Therein, he discusses the Olivet Discourse. He stated that RC Sproul’s book, The Last Days According to Jesus, helped him develop his eschatological view – Sproul is also post-mill. The second video is a 7-minute conversion testimony by Pastor Durbin, formerly, he was a celebrated practitioner of martial arts and an ecstasy addict – the video provides much hope for addicts of all kinds, regarding how Jesus delivers. The third video is a longer version of how he came to Christ and about the ministry work in which he is involved.

R.C. Sproul – God’s Help For Depressed Believers [Salvation And Eschatology, Part 4]

In the R C Sproul sermon of this post, he carefully explains how God gives salvation to a believer. In the process he discusses faith, justification and imputation, all bed-rock doctrines upon which the Christian’s spiritual life is built. He also clearly shows where Protestantism and Roman Catholicism differ, and where the latter veers into unbiblical byways. He uses scripture to make his points. [Sermon highlight points and some passages of scripture are provided]

How Do The Reformed Faiths Of J. MacArthur And V. Baucham Differ? [ Salvation and Eschatology Part 3]

In the video of this post, Pastor Joel Webbon explains the difference between the Baptist 1689 confession subscribed to by Voddie Baucham and the Westminister Confession of Faith subscribed to by John MacArthur – regarding their eschatological views. He does that in the process of answering a question submitted by a viewer. The question contained several questions which had to be clarified by Webbon before he got to the main point. So the video is a bit longer than it might have been, but for listeners who are new to such topics, Webbon’s redundancy will likely be helpful.


The 22-minute video of this post was divided into equal parts to upload. On the video, the vlogger specifically answers the question, will Catholics go to hell. He initially provided a casual answer, but after a few moments, began a specific biblical answer. In the process, he compared Protestant Reformed faith and Catholicism, according to what they hold to be God’s doctrine of SALVATION. The Roman Catholic Church holds an unbiblical view.

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