Covenant Theology | Justification by Faith Alone | Saving Faith – Pastor Patrick Hines

Pastor Hines opened by reading the following passages: Titus 2:11-14; Romans 5:17-21; Romans 3:20-26; Genesis 3:22-24; and Genesis 2:16, 17. Afterwards, he shared a 2 minute quotation from a book on justification written by Michael Horton which conveyed misunderstandings that he and his wife had about justification even though they had been instructed in a biblical church. Part of the quotation from Michael Horton’s book is as follows: Many people have told me “I feel like there was grace for me at the beginning sufficient to be saved; I was totally forgiven, slate wiped clean…;” but now it seems like, “do more, be more… and I wonder if there is still enough grace for me after blowing it so many times.” Pastor Hines is preaching on this doctrine so people do not have to go around wondering such things, but can be more secure via a biblical understanding….

Your Doctrine is not Enough – C H Spurgeon

This post contains a 3-minute C H Spurgeon devotional about the resurrection based on the following text: Philippians 3:10  that I may know him and the power of his resurrection, and may share his sufferings, becoming like him in his death. His big point is that believing in the resurrection is the foundation or the root of the spiritual fruit of fellowship with Christ

Justin Peters interview on the UN-biblical teachings of Beth Moore

This post contains a 58-minute video of a Justin Peters’ interview. He was speaking with woman’s Bible teacher, Susan Heck about Beth Moore. Peters asked specific questions to Susan Heck via which she critiqued Beth Moore. The initial part of the interview covered errors in Moore’s content, then about complementarianism vs egalitarianism; then miscellaneous questions about husbands and wives…. Below the video are links to various credible women’s Bible teachers and authors, resources for a variety of topics mentioned during the interview. I was very moved to learn, during Justin’s introduction, that Susan Heck has memorized the entire New Testament during her 30 years of ministering to women; her husband is a preacher who has done the same.

Where can seekers find community outside organized religion? Meet The Nearness – RNS [Part 1 of 2]

This post contains an article from Religious News Service on a new spiritual coop called, The Nearness. I am NOT recommending this coop, but am critiquing it from a biblical perspective. This is part 1 of 2 ; the second part contains three one-minute videos and a 25-minute video: one by MacArthur on the difference between religion and biblical Christianity; one that describes The Nearness, from their YouTube site; one on a new course they are offering; and a video by R C Sproul that explains encounters with God. Therein, he uses scripture and personal testimony of his conversion. Part 2 will be posted tomorrow

UMC bishops request 2026 General Conference as hundreds more churches disaffiliate

This post contains an article from Religious News Service about United Methodist Churches that are disaffiliating over issues related to the LGBTQ movement. The purpose of the post is to keep readers informed on current events impacting the church amid the culture wars in America. Many churches have compromised by turning from biblical practices and values to worldly ones….

J. Gresham Machen’s classic book Christianity and Liberalism – Ligonier Ministries

This post contains two short videos about J Gresham Machen; the first is on his book Christianity and Liberalism. Therein, Stephen Nichols explains the controversy which led Machen to write his book. In the course of his explanation, Nichols provided basic teaching on modernism, liberalism, the Scopes monkey trial, and Christian fundamentalism…. If you know nothing of these things, you should hear this video because it will give you insight into origins of current struggles in the church. The second video, 7-minutes, is an answer to a question submitted to Ligonier Ministries. This video is also on Machen but is more of an overview and covers different things. 

The Doctrine of Election – A W Pink

This post contains a 3-minute video excerpt of a C H Spurgeon sermon on election and a 52-minute A W Pink video on the topic. Pink used quotations from several Spurgeon sermons to clarify various aspects of the doctrine; I thought his presentation was very understandable. If you don’t know much about this doctrine, which is a foundation stone of God’s plan of redemption, as found on the pages of scripture, then please sample the videos.

What is the Gospel?

The following 7-minute video is from the YouTube site, Got Questions dot org. He presents the gospel message clearly. The gospel message is the good news concerning Christ and the way of salvation. It comes with the bad news, that you were born in sin under the law….

Trans Movement and Christianity: The Root Cause of Enmity

In the 12-minute video of this post, vlogger, Colin Miller discusses Tucker Carlson’s statements about the Nashville shooting of 6 Christians by a trans person.  Tucker’s assessment of the conflict that exists between the trans movement and Christians was spot on; Miller merely added to it and framed it in a biblical manner.  This video is being posted because it is how biblical Christians need to see the problem; then they will have to admit that there is a conflict and can begin considering strategies. 

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