Two ways to live – Proverbs 9 – Part 1 of 3

This post contains the last video lesson on Proberbs 1-9 by pastor Kyle Johnston. Pastor Kyle brings more clarity to readers about the ‘ways’ of wisdom and folly. He provided a little review and emphasized the choice to be made by all, to seek wisdom or folly. The scoffer is the only person who cannot choose the way of wisdom, as his his character traits prohibit him from doing so, as Kyle explains

Here’s Why the Younger Generation Is ABANDONING God – Ken Ham

In the following 4-minute excerpt, Ken Ham explains why it is that the younger generation is leaving the church. His explanation is the best I’ve ever heard and you won’t hear it from any of the contemporary church leaders, they do not understand the problem. His illustration shows that the social problems we experience are the symptoms of the attacks Humanism has launched against God’s word…. That is, moral relativism, abortion, gay marriage… are symptoms of the real problem. Church leaders and politicians focus on the symptoms and believe they can change society by doing so, Ken Ham’s illustration demonstrates that our leaders are focused on changing the fruit; this problem will not change unless the root is dealt with.

C H Spurgeon’s Morning and Evening Thoughts June 28 – My Hope Is Built on Nothing Less

Below you will find Spurgeon’s morning thoughts followed by the hymn he cited as he closed those thoughts: My Hope Is Built on Nothing Less. The hymn is a video by Brian Cochran, he sings the song while playing guitar; lyrics are pasted in for those who might want to sing along. I find it easy to sing along with his songs, it is like being in church and singing along with the congregation. Spurgeon’s evening thoughts follow hymn and lyrics.

C H Spurgeon’s Morning and Evening Thoughts for June 27

Today, he emphasized two very common problems: compromise, in his morning thoughts; and calling in his evening thoughts. Since he was such an excellent biblical preacher, his words are very worth considering. As I read his morning thoughts, I thought of how the church is compromising with the CRT and LGBTQ movements; and of how liberalism has been an issue for over a hundred years, Spurgeon himself fought against it in his writings. His evening thoughts deal with callings, the common errors new converts make [an 11-minute MacArthur video on Spurgeon’s ‘downgrade controversy’ is linked]

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