This post contains an 11 minute video which answers the following questions: First, all vaccines are a matter of personal conscience; second, my employer makes getting the vaccine a condition of employment; third, is the vaccine the mark of the beast? Conclusion, remember to love your brethren. Thereafter, Revelation 13 in 4 different Bible versions, is pasted in for those who would like to hear the chapter that contains the statements about the ‘mark.’
Category: Discernment
When Nations Sport With Death – Geoffrey Botkin
This post emphasizes the differences between two rugby teams: one who follows Christ openly; one who bows down to political correctness: The vlogger’s description follows: Fiji won Olympic Gold in rugby against who? Another nation which emerged out of cannibalism in the 18th century into Christianity, but which is now trading-in reverence for Christ for irreverence, and going backward to dark superstitions and primitive emotions. This is not why New Zealand lost a rugby match, but it will be how they could lose their national civilization. [The 7 minute video of this post is about how Marxists deceived New Zealanders in the 20th century; it applies to the US presently]
Standing Against The Mandates: Now Is The Time / Curtis Bowers
Please listen to the initial 6 minutes of the video in this post to discover what Rand Paul said about standing against the mandates. Curtis Bowers is also speaking on the matter because it is of utmost importance for Americans that believe in the constitution and the rights it affords us
Q & A by Dr. John MacArthur on College and Covid
Apparently, Dr. MacArthur was asked by questions by students contemplating college; in the process of sharing his thoughts on the matter of college, he provided an illustration that included remarks about Covid and why people are reluctant to take vaccinations. If you want insight about the above topics, then the following 8 minute video will be worth hearing:
Paul Washer – I Know What Your god Is (Sermon Jam)
The following 10 minute sermon excerpt by Paul Washer is aimed at helping listeners understand the privilege that God has given them regarding kingdom work. He explains that we tend to view these opportunities wrongly. His critique of Christ followers clarifies how we tend to miss the mark. Furthermore, he noted that it is the work of God’s Spirit to wake us up to our sinfulness, wrong priorities…that we might seek Him in prayer to get right. [I have found that I need to listen to Washer and preachers like him every couple of months that I might wake up again to what is important.]
What is the Seeker Sensitive Movement?
The following brief video is by Polite Leader; it explains the contemporary seeker sensitive church movement. He mentions several well known seeker sensitive mega church pastors, but his chief purpose is to explain the fundamentals of the movement so you might recognize them when you encounter them in your neighborhood. Additionally, there are links to related articles on preachers that were discussed.
Romans 7:9 Commentary For Consideration
Thoughts from Bible commentators John Gill and Albert Barnes are used to explain Romans 7:9 and to reveal the state of professed believers before true conversion. These statements further clarify what other posts in this blog explain: those posts are The Sinner’s Prayer; The Beatitude Life; and posts that contain Jonathan Edwards 5 stages of the Struggle of Faith. These will be linked for those who have not yet seen them. Ultimately, all these posts confront the false doctrine of decisionism used broadly by evangelicalism during the past 120 years, under which many wrongly believe themselves to be converted
The Network of False Teachers – New Apostolic Reformation Connections (Episode 26)
In this episode, I go over a fast and easy way to identify a false teacher. It is important to know who they are and who they are associated with. Protect yourself and your family from their false teaching and their doctrines of demons. Vlogger: John Henry; YouTube site: The Gospel of Christ
Why Our Church No Longer Plays Bethel Or Hillsong Music, Pastor David Henneke
Pastor David Henneke uses much scripture to expose many false Christian preachers their music and writings; he provided a long list of names and explained why their ministries are not biblical [sermon highlights to his 55 minute sermon are provided]
The Blindness of Ministers, J. C. Ryle 2 Minute Devotional
The following 2 minute devotional by J. C. Ryle uses scripture to warn those who fail to check their preachers words against scriptures, as the apostle Paul encouraged believers to do. Jesus asked, in the gospel of Luke, 6:39, “Can a blind man lead a blind man, will they not both fall into the pit?” He was talking about false religious teachers and their hearers. Jesus’ intended to warn of the danger of listening to false teachers; this devotional offers insight