Why Christian Nationalism makes American Christians less Christlike – RNS

This post contains an article from Religious News Service on Christian Nationalism. I posted it with the purpose of critiquing it to show that it is not directed at biblical Christians, but at those professed Christians who mostly believe in the social gospel, propounded by people like Rick Warren and others. The social gospel has been around since the late 1800’s; if a professed Christian has not read through the Bible, then he / she likely does not know the difference. Also, I also wanted to show that the article upholds the Marxist democrat left’s values; it is therefore, not Christian. Why so? Marxism and Christianity oppose each other.

False Teachers – False Healings – Justin Peters and Doreen Virtue

Some false teachings seem to produce genuine healings, such as Christian Science, new age, reiki, shamanism, NAR, and hyper-charismatic word of faith teachers and false apostles and prophets. Justin Peters, who has endured cerebral palsy his entire life and wrote his Masters Thesis on this topic, explains these are often psychosomatic temporary healings, or spiritual warfare demons causing symptoms in order to lead people to false teachers. God still does healing miracles today, of course; however, it’s always according to his will. [From Doreen’s site]

Proverbs 5:22  The iniquities of the wicked ensnare him…. [Explained from Commentaries]

The two verses looked at in this post are some of the most frightening in the Bible. They are about those people who think they are getting away with sinning. These not only apply to the believer who is backsliding, but to those marauders who are doing smash and grabs; to those manipulators cheating to win elections; those malevolent globalists creating vaccines to harm others and rid the earth of them, or who are orchestrating famines to accomplish that end… but they are God’s words to all who think they can get away with sinning: the act of sin carries its own punishment. [I reviewed these for my own edification, as my attitude towards some sins is not yet biblical; hopefully, others will find this post worthy of contemplating.]

Tucker Carlson’s Bible reading is impacting his perceptions of events

The video in this post is of Tucker being interviewed by Blaze TV. Therein he talks about having become a Bible reader and how the Bible is enabling him to view the events around him differently. He seems to have been significantly impacted by the sovereignty of God. I found it hopeful for two reasons: that Christians will likely benefit more from his take on the events he reports and that Christians, who are not very strong Bible readers, might benefit from seeing what a significant impact his personal Bible study is having on him and might want to read through their own Bibles.

Taylor Swift, Pink, Demi Lovato and the Divine Feminine

Taylor Swift, Demi Lovato and P!nk have come out with different songs denigrating – even mocking – those who believe the Bible concerning many of the most vital issues of conscience. We take a look at the esoteric leanings and ultimately the source for the modern feminist movement by the teachings of Helena Blavatsky, Alice Bailey and other theosophical practitioners who have pushed what can be described only as The Divine Feminine. [Video summary from site]

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