Kenneth Steward Sermon – Troubled Waters

Pastor Stewart’s sermon is on the following text, which he called the most meaningful in the entire Bible regarding practical living of the Christian life; he made the lesson Christ taught His apostles clear for us: Matthew 14:30 But seeing the wind, he became frightened, and when he began to sink, he cried out, saying, “Lord, save me!” 31 Immediately Jesus reached out with His hand and took hold of him, and *said to him, “You of little faith, why did you doubt?” 32 When they got into the boat, the wind stopped. [Sermon highlights are provided]

We Blunder and Stumble in our Holiest Endeavors – J. R. Miller (Christian devotional)

This brief devotional will give you some clarity about what God would have you doing with your life. To be more specific, and to summarize Miller’s words: God has placed you in a specific place, amid a specific group of people, with specific needs…; He has given you talents, interests, abilities… that He expects you to use to SERVE those around you…. J R Miller states that message in a pleasing and kind manner. His words will help you to see and act on those little specific things all around you.  [After publishing this post I discovered shorts by MacArthur and Baucham that apply to the matter discussed by Miller, these were added under the Miller video]

C H Spurgeon’s Morning and Evening Thoughts for April 6

Spurgeon’s devotional, Morning and Evening, is very relevant to my last 3 posts and to the one I am working on for tomorrow, so I am posting it now. His perspective is biblical, but different from the others; therein you might also see the timeless relevance of God’s truth, as Spurgeon died over a century ago: his words are a call to Christians right now, today. I certainly needed to hear them, I hope you benefit from reading them also.

Breakfast with the Devil, Supper with the Savior [The Thief on the Cross] – Pastor Colin Smith

Two men had pursued a life of crime; they were angry with God, and now they stood on the brink of eternity. Pastor Colin talks about how something changed in one man’s soul, and he cried out to Jesus, “Remember me when you come into your kingdom.” Discover the stunning words Jesus said to this man. [This 2-part sermon gives very clear teaching about how one is saved by the Lord Jesus Christ. Those Christians who fear they will never be sufficiently good to enter into heaven will be greatly uplifted by the contents of this sermon, particularly, Roman Catholics. But I know many Christians, including myself, who wrongly think that our own performance has something to do with entering into heaven. Sermon points are included for part 1

The Cost of Standing for Christ

In the following video, vlogger John Henry showed numerous examples of Christian persecution that have recently occurred in North America. He also shared clips of pastors MacArthur and Baucham talking about persecution and why it happens.  MacArthur noted that approximately 160 thousand Christians die from persecution every year since the 1990s. I recently posted a video on that which is linked near the end of this post. 

John Newton – The School Of Suffering

Newton’s words indicate that affliction is a necessary Christian experience; the following points are from the video: The school of the cross teaches one to extract real good out of seeming evil; The flesh is a dunce in this school; Grace makes the spirit willing to learn by suffering so that one’s flesh may be mortified; Such is necessary for conformity to Christ…

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