Trotsky’s permanent revolution from hell in America [from Renew America]: Paganism, Part 43

Soulless Marxist revolutionary politics together with its brutal ideology and dehumanizing Darwinian system is indeed evil, and since the end of WW II has been stealthily working its evil right here in America. Today, brazen suggestions are made by Leftists and their evil-minded cohort within academia, Hollywood, and mass media that white people are systemic racists and conservatives and Christians are mentally ill. Likewise, and just as happened in Russia, America’s revolutionary controlled Detdoma (schools) are churning out monsters. How is it that so many Americans cannot see this evil even when it twists and perverts their own children into hating their parents, hating God, and their own country? Or when our Detdoma churns out sociopaths, sex predators, and murderers such as the Columbine killers? It is as if millions of American’s are sleep walking to their doom. Wake up, Americans! Trotsky’s Permanent Revolution from hell is nearly complete

A vast web of deceit: Western revolutionary God-man’s demonic artificial reality

“If we and our posterity…live always in the fear of God and shall respect His Commandments…we may have the highest hopes of the future fortunes of our country…. But if we…neglect religious instruction and authority; violate the rules of eternal justice, trifle with the injunctions of morality, and recklessly destroy the constitution which holds us together, no man can tell how sudden a catastrophe may overwhelm us and bury all our glory in profound obscurity.” (Daniel Webster, Address to the New York Historical Society, 1852)

What is evil? [From Renew America]: Paganism, Part 42

The three-fold attitude in common with all of these natural or pagan systems is that suffering, not sin, is the supreme evil, thus the only means of dealing with suffering is escape of any kind and complete as possible making peace the absence of suffering. But because the human condition (pride, covetousness, lust, envy, etc) is responsible for moral evils, the natural man never finds peace though he looks for it everywhere.

Victory over Trump, or the hour of the children of darkness and evil powers: RenewAmerica

Thus, President Trump’s loss at the hands of systemic corruption is not a great victory for children of darkness (Deep State and its servants) as they imagine, but the Lords judgment upon them. For more than eighty years the children of darkness have been as the self-deifying daughter of Babylon, symbol of the satanic world system in contempt of the Lord our God. (Isaiah 47)

Suffering Fools Easily Is Not an Option for Donald Trump [Best Assessment of our current national status, please read!]

I also pointed out that unpunished crime gives rise to increased frequency and more egregious and bold criminal actions. The Clinton political crime syndicate was given a pass and then brought into the Obama administration, and that may have emboldened the VP-Biden family to ramp up the exploitation of their political position for private financial gain…Protectors and enablers of all this corruption included household names from the intelligence agencies such as John Brennan, James Clapper and Jim Comey. And the list of corrupt enablers goes on.

Trump Shares Video Calling on Supporters to Contact Legislators to ‘Demand an Honest Election:’ Epoch Times

The video then notes that “America rewarded President Trump with over 74 million votes,” and says victories in some states suggest a “landslide Trump victory.” “But something happened,” the ad says. “Some states rushed out mail-in ballots—a recipe for fraud. Dead people voting. Ballots miraculously appeared. Biden ballots added in the middle of the night.” “It’s an outrage,” the ad claims. “The American people deserve to know the truth.”It calls on voters to “demand an honest election and demand an honest count” and urges people to contact their legislators.

Wisconsin Lawmakers Join Lawsuit to Block Certification of Presidential Electors: Epoch Times

Wisconsin state Reps. Jeff Mursau and David Steffen signed onto a suit filed on Tuesday in U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia by the Amistad Project of the Thomas More Society and the Wisconsin Voters Alliance, among others. Also included in the list of plaintiffs are two GOP members of the Michigan House, Reps. Matt Maddock and Daire Rendon, according to the complaint (pdf).

Sen. Rand Paul: Governors Should Never Have Been Allowed to Become ‘Dictators:’ Epoch Times

“You know, nobody ever intended that governors would be sort of czars or dictators in charge of the economy,” Paul said. “In my state, you can’t have indoor dining, you can’t have outdoor dining, and your kids are not in school. We’re worse than New York City right now. In Kentucky, our governor has shut the schools down even though all of the science shows that—and all of the evidence—that you really aren’t having a surge when you have the schools open,” he added.

Almighty God versus Satan: Election, The calm before the storm: from RenewAmerica

Moreover, the President has all of the statistical data being analyzed, as well as the videos, emails, phone calls, and bank transfer statements showing the coordination of this coup, this attempted takeover. Credible sources allege that Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg manned the operation, and George Soros funded it….But it gets better! Biden has not accepted any transition money, nor has Kamala given up her seat. And has anyone been paying attention to the fact that Biden’s daily intelligence reports suddenly were halted this past Friday—much to even the Pentagon’s shock and confusion?

Americans in Name Only (AINO): From RenewAmerica

We begin We have passports, licenses, with our most basic identity. “It’s a boy!” “It’s a girl!” After sexual identity comes family identity, national identity, religious identity, educational identity, professional identity, and so on. Our identity gives us standing. We have identification cards that verify our identity. diplomas, marriage certificates, and so on…Patriotic Americans reject the political class and their globalist reset of enslavement. The reset that the majority of Americans voted for in 2016 and yes, again in 2020, is the draining of the treasonous, China-centered political swamp.

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