Repent or Perish! – A. W. Pink

The following 5-minute devotional says much about repentance and the hindrances to it.  The chief obstacle is self, which he addresses in a succinct but thorough manner. [One big problem of the Christian walk is learning to deny self. This culture has made that a huge problem because we are taught from childhood, by TV ads and by observing what the people around us value, that self-gratification is the height of personal freedom.] Sermon highlights precede the 5-minute video

R C Sproul’s Christian Worldview Dvd summarized from my notes

R C Sproul’s Christian Worldview DVD is very briefly covered in this post. From my notes, I provided ‘nutshell’ definitions for the following philosophical views that are inherent in our culture: secularism; existentialism; humanism; pragmatism; positivism; pluralism; relativism and hedonism. In the last post, I explained a point by referring to pragmatism and thought that a better definition of that term and these other basic definitions could be useful to other Christians in knowing the culture in which they are witnessing Christ. Hopefully, this post will whet the appetite of Christians to hear Sproul on this topic.

America As The New Athens – Pastor Patrick Hines

The sermon of this post uses the apostle Paul’s speech to the Athenians from Acts 17, to explain our current culture and how we need to present the gospel message today. Pastor Hines explains that our culture is post-Christian and most do not know the basic historical foundational points of Christianity and believe, for example, that our worldview is only one option among many. [Many are becoming aware of what is happening in schools, how children are being indoctrinated into Pagan worldviews; but this type of indoctrination has been happening for 50 years or more in our culture, so many adults are unfamiliar with biblical truth that is essential to salvation and a correct understanding of themselves, God and purpose in living…. This sermon provides information that is as essential to Christians as R C Sproul’s dvd on the Christian Worldview.]

Turn Your Eyes Away – Epoch Times Commentary

How long will mainstream media ignore massive protests in China, Brazil, Iran, and Holland against political oppression and state-sponsored election interference in the United States? …What about the millions of Brazilians marching in the streets against election results that saw a far-left politician somehow “win” against the popular incumbent? Where is that news coverage? …Or, how many Americans are following the several thousand farmers in Holland protesting the seizure of their farms by the Dutch government in the name of climate change? Here at home, why are most Americans indifferent, if not completely unaware, of the revelations that the federal government was and remains deeply involved in election interference?

Has God given you the right to own a gun? WWUTT

The following 1-minute, 30-second video explains some basic things about society: that people are permitted to own property and to protect that property. This administration is attempting to take away these basic biblical rights that God established long ago. Following the video, are links to three posts in this blog that explain the democrat left’s true rationale for wanting to take your guns. Post one is about Parkland school shootings; 2, about strategies of every communist leader before occupying a country; and 3 about the communist strategies of Saul Alinsky that make up the handbook of the democrat left.

The White House Just Opened The Gates Of Hell In America

The 9-minute video of this post, is about president Biden’s signing into law the ‘respect of marriage act.’  Vlogger, John Henry shows three different clips of Biden as his views ‘evolved’ from opposition to promotion of gay marriage. In the process, he shows how pastors abandoning the preaching of God’s word have helped create this cultural environment. As he discusses the above, John Henry explains how Romans 1 describes the events we are living through as the outpouring of God’s wrath upon society.

300,000 Ballots ‘Illegally Inserted’ Into Arizona Vote Tally: Trump Lawyer – American Faith

“You have a whistleblower from Runbeck the ballot company, that said approximately 300,000 ballots were illegally inserted into the tally,” Bobb said on Steve Bannon’s “War Room” podcast on Friday. “Not coming from drop boxes, not coming from polling locations, but just being brought in by employees.” Runbeck is an election services company used in Arizona’s midterm elections.

Failed Pentecostal Missionary Tongues

The video in this post explains how the idea of speaking in tongues morphed in the early 20th century. The YouTube site, Digging Deeper: “The early Pentecostals all believed that the gift of tongues consisted of authentic human languages. Both Charles Fox Parham (Topeka Outpouring) and William J. Seymour (Azusa Street Revival) believed that. How is it then that most of today’s Pentecostals and Charismatics identify the gift of tongues as a spiritual language? The truth is that the redefinition of tongues happened because of a public embarrassment in the founding years of Pentecostalism. I call this event the Great Pentecostal Disappointment. Find out more about it in this video.”

Two Antithetical Billionaires – Epoch Times Commentary, Victor Davis Hanson

Before the midterm November elections, Sam Bankman-Fried was a left-wing billionaire heartthrob…. The Left canonized Bankman-Fried for the hundreds of millions of dollars he created out of thin air and channeled to left-wing congressional and state candidates, President Joe Biden, and a host of “progressive” causes under the cool slogan “effective altruism.” … The Republicans took the House. They promised embarrassing hearings, with Bankman-Fried the loose-talking star villain. And so—presto!—he was finally indicted by the Biden Department of Justice. In contrast, consider how the Left now despises Elon Musk as much as it once worshiped Sam Bankman-Fried….

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