What is Post Abortion Counseling?

With the vacancy on the supreme court, abortion rights are again a matter of concern to many on the left….

Yesterday, I listened to a 3 minute video on the Daily Wire wherein young leftists were “melting down.” One young blond girl, was cussing at “pro lifers” verbalizing her hatred for them…she feared the loss of her right to abortion.

I was troubled by that video because I know that young people do not understand the harm they can bring into their own lives by the things they do.

That is, abortion might not be as good as that young girl thinks it is; unless she has had an abortion, she cannot know how she will react to that experience, even though leftists believe that a woman’s rights….

Post abortion counseling is something I never hear about in the media. The media and abortion advocates describe It as if, having an abortion is the ticket to freedom or something: they celebrate it.

However, many who have abortions, suffer from post traumatic stress…afterwards.

That is, having an abortion could actually ruin your life, as no one knows how they will react to aborting their baby.

In the following 12 minute video, you will hear the testimonies of several women who thought abortion was the answer to their problems, but it only greatly increased their troubles; for example, leading them into drug and alcohol abuse; food addiction; seclusion because of shame, and other self-destructive behavioral patterns.

One of those women, Jenny McDermid, started a care center for other women who suffered the self-induced trauma of abortion. She shares her own experience, and how she has learned to cope with the trauma that abortion brought into her life.

A statement that McDermid made in the following video, undoubtedly, could only be arrived at by one who has experienced abortion, (paraphrase):

There is no safe place for those who mourn their abortions; the pro-life Christians hate us; those advocating abortions hate us, because they cannot tolerate anyone speaking against their justification of abortion; but, we hate ourselves more than either group could hate us, because we know that we are responsible for our own pain…it came at our own hands.

A quote from her book jacket:

Dr. Theresa Burke coined the phrase “forbidden grief” to describe the sadness and distress felt by many women following abortion. The pain is seldom confined to the loss of a child. Many also lose relationships, self-worth, and hope for the future — losses that must be healed as well.



I was troubled that McDermid noted that shame continues to be an issue even for Christian women. I am guessing that is because they are afraid to share their dark secret.

I have to say that I made disclosures in the church that caused me much grief, and I understand the reluctance to share such secrets. However, I have since learned, via studying Jesus’ words in the beatitudes and I came to understand that when Christians are dealing with their own sins (as Jesus indicates we are to do, to know poverty of spirit, to mourn our sin, to know meekness…) that those Christians know how to extend mercy to other sinners.

It is the Christians that are busy pretending to be holy; busy earning their own status before God… (both of which God detests) they have no tolerance for others’ sins. Those Christians are more like the Pharisees — read the 4 gospels to see how Jesus viewed them.

Usually, there is someone in the church who knows mercy and who would be a good confidant; of course, courage to test the relationship waters is required.

Images of McDermid’s book follow, on a pdf so that those who want to read the book cover may (click link via a personal computer):

Jenny McDermid’s book on Abortion counseling

If you have had an abortion and have not begun to deal with your feelings about it, then the following pdf download may enable you to begin sorting through that issue. Furthermore, there is forgiveness with God for all types of sin, including abortion.

The pdf teaches skills related to feeling identification and processing; the greatest benefit of learning the skills in the free download is that you learn what you can change about your past: the opinions you have about yourself because of viewing it wrongly.

Read through the download, a half-hour read, and by the time you finish, you should become aware of how it would be possible to reinterpret the opinions you have formed which make up your self-image.


For other posts on the various aspects of abortion, see Categories, Abortion.