Trump Election Defense Team Hearing, With PA Legislature 11-27-20

The meeting today, between former Mayor Rudy Giuliani and his team, and the PA legislature about voting irregularities, wherein a dozen witness testimonies were heard, lasted over 3 hours.

Below, I listed the types or irregularities that witnesses testified about during the initial 80 minutes; I had already listened through the meeting and the initial half of the meeting heard the most significant testimonies. A link to the full video is at the end of this post.

Below the hearing talk points, there is a 6 minute video excerpt of the final minutes of the meeting, they were very optimistic and encouraging for those patriots who testified, and are fighting, praying…for accountability in the 6 swing states, and regarding the election machine scam.

The initial 7 witnesses with a brief bio, are as follows:

  • Witness 1: Justin, from Phila., volunteer, certified voting observer; Attorney in PA
  • Witness 2: Kim P. of Pittsburgh who reiterated some of the irregularities Justin mentioned
  • Witness 3: Leah H. of Delaware County: poll watcher who had formerly been involved in the campaign of a judge; thereafter becoming an appointed committee woman of Bethel Twp. for the republican party; who registered voters and assisted in election activities; part of a watchdog group called the Thomas More Society, focusing on election integrity – she joined because of the newly formed, completely democratic council in Del. Co.- they monitored contractors, support staff, and any key players involved in the election process
  • Witness 4: Gregory S., Delaware Co., former Navy officer, CEO of his own company; data scientist; forensic computer scientist; expert in security and fraud, who was recruited to be a poll watcher by witness 3, Leah
  • Witness 5: Phil W., retired Army Colonel, 30 years; Psychological operations officer in information warfare; electronic warfare;; deception, counter deception. His team has been researching this specific issue since August; also, they work with another team that has been investigating voting machine manipulation for the past 2 years – the Beto, Ted Cruz race in 2018; and the Kentucky Governor’s race wherein significan voting anomalies occurred
  • Witness 6, Gary F. of Phila. reiterated several voting irregularities
  • Witness 7, Dave S. an attorney, who trained 70 poll watchers in Allegheny Co., Pittsburgh; noted a voting irregularity that had not otherwise been reported: just before election day, the 70 workers he trained were required to present credentials by the election board; some were not able to do so or couldn’t be reached – this disruption focused on the most basic element of the voting process, which indicates that the widespread plan was intended to disrupt as all levels of the voting process
  • Giuliani’s opening remarks included: censorship by big tech; censorship of free speech
  • The same types of voting irregularities occurred in all 6 swing states, Georgia, Michigan, Wisconsin, Arizona, Nevada and Pennsylvania
  • The primary type of voter fraud occurred regarding Mail In Ballots (MIB)
  • Justice Suder; former President, Jimmy Carter; and James Baker reported that there is a history of fraud surrounding MIB; to ensure more secure elections, improvements need to be made; NY Times, 2012, reiterated their points
  • The role of Poll Watchers during the election process has been deemed necessary to limit fraud: they monitor the opening of MIB to ensure that each given vote is acceptable: that the credentials on the outside of the envelope meets state standards. A republican and a democratic watcher are to jointly monitor this process, because when the ballot is removed from the envelop, it has no identification, it is called then, a “naked” ballot
  • The most common type of irregularity in these 6 states was barring the poll watchers from watching MIBs as they were being removed from envelopes: nearly 700,000 votes were opened, in the absence of a poll watcher, in the PA vote counting process in Philadelphia alone
  • In Delaware, County, PA, about 200,000 MIB, were suspect: 126,000 were opened in the absence of poll watchers; 70,000 disappeared (reported by witness 4 above)
  • There are 425,000 registered voters in Del. Co., they suspect that around 300,000 voted. Of that group, 200,000 MIB are suspect: this county alone indicates that the PA vote should not be certified
  • Of the 120,000 votes in question, 102,000 were for Biden and 18,000 for Trump
  • PA sent out 1,823,148 MIB; they received back, 1.4 million MIB; but it was reported on the PA secretary of state’s website, that 2,589,242 presidential votes were cast; that means the there were 700,000 extra ballots, where did these come from?
  • In PA, 22,686 MIB were returned the same day they were mailed; 32,591, the day after being mailed; 20,000, before they were mailed [apparently, according to voting registration records?]; 8,021 were cast by dead voters; 30,000 dead voters cast MIB; 4,984 were not requested
  • Philadelphia, Allegheny (PGH), and Delaware counties have made a sham of the 2020 election
  • Per, the Constitution, article 2, section 1, clause 2, each state shall appoint the number of electors in such a manner as that state legislature may direct: this legislature has the power; and must responsibly consider these facts, they owe it to Americans
  • Witness 1: Attorney, Justin observed, over a period of 10 days, 80+ hours, 100s of thousands of MIB being processed in the absence of observers (beyond the distance wherein these votes could be examined–they were prohibited from being in the presence of the vote as per their role as poll watcher)
  • Justin also witnessed thousands of damaged MIB being marked with pink highlighters before they were scanned; these had to be redone because scanners could not read the pink highlighters: one ballot person read the data to another who filled in a new ballot that was to be scanned later — this had been going on for hours before poll watchers were notified, then again, they were not permitted close to ballots; after the Deputy Commissioner was confronted about this, workers then began flashing votes before watchers for a second, as though they could perform their duty in such circumstances
  • None of the aforementioned processes were secure or transparent as is typically required
  • He concluded his testimony by suggesting that since PA laws were violated, ignored during the counting process, for 100s of thousands of votes, that accountability must be demanded of PA for so blatantly disregarding their own state laws and defrauding Americans of a transparent election process [my paraphrase]
  • Witness 2, Kim P. reported briefly, that she witnessed MIBs being separated from envelopes in the absence of poll watchers; poll watchers were corralled 15′ – 100′ from ballot processing; they obviously could not perform their duty from that distance
  • Witness 3, Leah H., stated that private grant money from Google and Mark Zuckerberg, from an organization they formed titled, the Center for Technology and Life (CTCL) was used to pay for electioneering: they had a one-stop-shop wherein a voter could walk in, apply, get a ballot, submit it and then walk away; and the voting warehouse supervisor was a Bernie Sanders delegate
  • CTCL spent 2.1 million dollars to move the voting center from the courthouse where it had been conducted for decades in Media, PA; to the Wharf in Chester, PA.
  • The new location was in the center of a huge parking lot, near large loading dock and a multi million dollar, high tech company, HRG and Subaru Park soccer stadium. The new location, on the first floor of this city center, had multiple exits and entrances; elevators…vote counting transparency was easily circumvented
  • The poll watchers had to obtain legal council to get access to vote counting and opening of MIB, but were only granted 5 minutes every 2 hours to view these processes – their job was clearly obstructed
  • The poll watchers were resisted, threatened, intimidated, bullied…
  • She is mostly concerned about transparency and truth regarding the election, and the future of America
  • Witness 4, Gregory S. was partnered up with a democrat poll watcher in Chester Co. reported that he had been told that there were 10-20 poll watchers at the CTCL Center, but when he arrived there at 6:00 p.m., he and the dem. poll watcher were denied access. Five hours later, via legal assistance, he was permitted to enter the facility. Part of his testimony was already mentioned, the 70,000 missing ballots and the 126,000 irregular ones
  • Witness 4 also observed the use of USB voting cards to frequently update the voting machines, by the warehouse supervisor. He reported to authorities that these updates were not being appropriately witnessed, per the election process
  • This occurred 24 times; baggies of USB cards were carried to and fro by the supervisor; after he told authorities, he was lied to by center workers, as clarified to him by US Attorney General McSwan; the supervisor later denied doing these things; today, 47 voting USBs are missing
  • Gregory demanded, at one point, to witness an voting machine update, it was for 50,000 Biden votes, and Zero Donald Trump votes
  • He begged numerous law enforcement agencies to go acquire forensic evidence by conducting a procedure he said would have taken an hour, total, for all 5 machines; it was not done
  • He just learned that all chain of custody records, logs, yellow sheets, records are gone from Delaware County; therefore there is no remedy for this situation; therefore, the Del. Co. election results cannot be certified, he believes
  • Witness 5: Phil W., testified to voting machine operations: He believes that these machines were built for manipulation, and have been used successfully for that in Venezuela, Italy, Argentina, Singapore, and recently in Bolivia. He explained how SGO, Smartmatic, and Dominion do these manipulations, and that he’d debriefed a person who had been part of such a voting scam; He explained that voting transparency is impossible; control over data and how / where it is stored is also impossible, he went on to explain how machine operator manipulate all forms of data
  • Phil noted that an election storage facility in PA was robbed on September 30, 2020; and one laptop and 30 voting USB cards were stolen: he stated that these systems permit authorized and unauthorized users to manipulate data by cancelling, shifting (to another candidate), and preloading votes in real time, in large numbers
  • His team believes that up to 1.2 million PA votes could have been altered
  • His team quantified voter spikes in PA and noted that the amounts of votes supposedly processed during spikes was not possible according to the manufacturer’s specifications, per rate of speed machines are able to image votes
  • One Biden spike (input into machines) was 337,000 votes in 90 minutes – this was an indication of fraud
  • The spikes on their chart amounted to 570,000 – 600,000 votes total; of those, only 3,200 were for Donald J. Trump
  • Other huge discrepancies he and Giuliani discussed were reported at the beginning of this post
  • At this point, I quit noting proceedings, this is 80 minutes into the 3 hour 15 minute hearing.

The video excerpt below is of the final 5 minutes or so of the hearing. The remarks are hopeful and encouraging.



The following link is to the 3 hour 15 minute video of the above hearing:

Twitter froze Doug Mastriano’s account today, his words in the above video excerpt were likely part of their rationale for doing so. Twitter, facebook and google are working so hard to silence conservative voices, which includes born-again Christians.

For other similar posts, see Categories: Progressive Govt. / Socialism / Communism; Social Justice / Identity Politics; Propaganda Exposed.

Featured Image: NPS photo  [The following words were the script under the Liberty Bell photo.]

During your visit, be sure to talk to our knowledgeable park rangers to hear the story of the Liberty Bell.  The building also offers self-guided exhibits about this now famous symbol of liberty.

[The 2020 election revealed how far PA and this country have fallen morally. I heard someone say recently, that the constitution is a document established to guide a nation who believes in God – God has been rejected by most of the people of this nation. Our godlessness seems to be at the root of these election problems; furthermore, the embracing of Marxism by so many (that ideology mocks God and His followers); the democratic platform of wickedness embraced by so many; the material prosperity we have known for 75+ years…have made us turn from God, and trust in science and our own wisdom – see Romans 1 for the outcome of such a people.]