The following is this month’s newsletter from Proclaiming the Gospel, the ministry of Mike Gendron for taking the biblical gospel message to Roman Catholics. He was a Roman Catholic for 37 years and after being born again, left the Roman church and began this ministry with his wife.
Included below are reactions / responses, pro and con to Mike Gendron’s teachings; Candace Owen debate; critique on The Chosen; how Christians should think about Pride Month.
All of the orange links are live, so if you want to view his supporting material, his store…, you can.
This Life Is Short but Eternity Is Forever |
Our life on this earth is so fleeting and temporary compared to the endless ages of eternity. Yet very few consider their lives with an eternal perspective. Instead, there are many who foolishly pursue a life of pleasure, prestige, and power with little regard for what awaits them after death. The Lord Jesus Christ addressed this folly when He said, “What will it profit a man if he gains the whole world and forfeits his soul? Or what shall a man give in return for his soul?” (Mat. 16:26). Why are so many people living for the temporary and so few preparing for eternity? Preparing for Eternity Is Vitally Important God does not promise anyone tomorrow. Many have found this out when they were met with tragic, unexpected deaths at the office, a shopping mall, or a church. The certainty of death is unavoidable but it should not be our greatest concern. More sobering is what follows after death. God’s Word warns us “it is appointed for men to die once and after this comes judgment” (Heb. 9:27). Our appointment with death comes with an unavoidable judgment. Those whose sins were judged and forgiven at the cross of Christ will experience everlasting joy in heaven, while those who die unforgiven will experience the eternal fires of hell. This is why preparing for eternity is the most important issue to consider in this life. We can be wrong about a lot of things and still survive, but if we are wrong about eternity, we will pay for that mistake forever and ever! For this reason, we publish and distribute what has become our most popular Gospel tract. It asks this most important question: “Where will you spend eternity?“ Christ Is Our Only Hope in Life and Death Man has a serious problem that cannot be dismissed! We have all sinned against our God and Creator, who cannot let the guilty go unpunished (Rom. 3:23; Ex. 34:7). He is majestic in holiness and righteousness and justice are the foundation of His throne (Ex. 15:11; Ps. 97:2). He is also a God of love and mercy and did not leave us in our hopeless and helpless condition. In His infinite wisdom, God devised the one and only way He could save sinners while upholding His holiness, righteousness and justice. As a demonstration of His love, He sent His only Son to die as a substitute for sinners (Rom. 5:8). Jesus was crucified as the perfect sacrifice to satisfy divine justice for sinners. He bore man’s sins, suffered God’s wrath, died in man’s place and was raised on the third day to show divine justice was satisfied. God “made Him who knew no sin to be sin on our behalf, so that we might become the righteousness of God in Him” (2 Cor. 5:21). Christ “died for sins once for all, the just for the unjust, so that He might bring us to God” (1 Pet. 3:18). It is for this reason everyone who has trusted Christ alone as their sinless substitute looks to their physical death as a passage into His glorious presence (1 Cor. 15:55-57). Terrifying News for the Unforgiven Those who have rejected the Lord Jesus Christ and His Gospel will pay the penalty of eternal destruction, away from the presence of the Lord and from the glory of His power (2 Thes. 1:9). Hell is a real place of fiery torment where unforgiven sinners undergo the punishment they deserve for their sins. This eternal punishment is called the second death, where divine justice is meted out forever in the lake of fire (Rev. 20:15). Unrepentant sinners consciously suffer pain and thirst from an unquenchable fire, and the horror is so great they want to warn their loved ones on earth, but cannot (Luke 16:19-31; Mark 9:43). There is weeping and gnashing of teeth because the eternal state of God’s just punishment is irreversible; there is no second chance, no escape, no hope, no rest, and no relief (Luke 13:28; 2 Thes. 1:8-9). Only Two Things Are Eternal Soon after I finished seminary, God’s Word impressed upon me a compelling truth that gave me a new purpose for living. I realized there are only two things in this life that are eternal: the souls of men and the Word of God. Everything else will be burned up by fire (2 Pet. 3:10-12). By God’s grace, I wanted to spend my remaining years focused on the two things that will last throughout eternity. May God help us all to keep this eternal perspective firmly planted in our hearts. Soon this life will be over and only what is done for Christ will last. May God “teach us to number our days” (Ps. 90:12). Let us be mindful of the shortness of time, the nearness of death, and the pending doom of lost sinners. Living with an Eternal Perspective No one knows what tomorrow will bring. Now is the day of salvation (2 Cor. 6:2). Our life is but a vapor that appears for a little time and then vanishes away (James 4:14). Living with an eternal perspective will motivate Christians to faithfully share the Gospel of Christ with those who are on the broad road to destruction. One day we will all stand before our Creator and He will either be a sin-avenging judge or a merciful Savior. Therefore, the most important question we all must consider is this, “Am I ready to meet my Creator?” |
Catholicism’s Fierce Opposition to the Bible |
During the Reformation, the truth of God’s Word was setting Catholics free from religious bondage and deception (John 8:31-32). The Vatican responded by placing the Bible on its List of Prohibited books. In this short 12 minute video, Andrew Battiato shows a brief history of how the Roman Catholic Church has tried to keep the Bible from its people. Watch here. |
Letters to Equip and Encourage the Saints |
Mr. Gendron, I started watching this video in which you exposed the errors of Catholicism. However, after listening to such a boring voice uttering such untruths it made me want to get sick. Kathy, Internet Mike, I watched your YouTube message that exposes the teachings of Catholicism and it showed that you really don’t understand us. I suggest you find a Catholic priest in your city and talk to him. Rachel, Internet Hey Mike, I just wanted to thank you. Over the last few months I been watching a lot of your lectures/debates on YouTube. You have created material that has helped set me free completely from Roman Catholicism. I cannot thank you enough! M.W., Parma, OH I am totally amazed at the constant stream of nonsense and lack of knowledge about the Bible and the Catholic church coming out of your website. Eventually you will expose yourself for what you are. I hope you realize people with real degrees are laughing at you. Let’s get real. All you are doing is making up stories to convince people to leave the Catholic church. Constant malice towards the Catholic church is a sign of demonic influence. Ask any real exorcist that. You should be ashamed of yourselves. Pathetic, ignorant, and condescending! Catholics gave you the Bible, remember that! Tony, Internet Tony, Have I become your enemy by telling you the truth? (Gal. 4:16). The Lord Jesus said, “If you continue in My word, then you are truly disciples of Mine, and you will know the truth, and the truth will make you free” (John 8:31-32). The only way you can be set free from religious bondage and deception is to know and believe the truth of God’s Word. Sir, You are not at all charitable. Apostate. You are off base. You are leading others astray. How dare you speak these words. May Jesus, the Son of the Living God, forgive you for the harm you are bringing on my Catholic brothers and sisters. You deeply offend Almighty God and Jesus Himself who died to save you. I will pray for you that you see the folly of your ways and that you ask for His forgiveness. Mary, Internet Hi Mary, Have I become your enemy by speaking the truth of God’s Word? I am afraid your religious pride and indoctrination has blinded you from seeing the light of the Gospel and the glory of Christ. Perhaps, using the authority of God’s Word, you can show me where I am off base and I will repent. Hello Mr Gendron, I seriously wish to thank you for all of the great content on your website, and for the most powerful way you teach the truth of Jesus Christ after being a Roman Catholic for so many years. You do it respectfully and without apology. I have learned an incredible amount from your videos and newsletters. Since I am surrounded by RC’s, I now feel much more equipped and knowledgeable in how to talk with them while sharing the One True Gospel of Jesus Christ. It is with sincere appreciation of your ministry, C.J., Charlotte, NC Mr. Gendron, I would like to educate you on the Catholic faith. I didn’t listen to your entire message about “twisted teachings of the Catholic Church” because the few minutes that I did listen were so filled with error. I will educate you for free if you are willing to take up the challenge. What do you say? Randall, Internet Randall, I spent 35 years in the Catholic religion and was a strong defender of the faith until the Word of God set me free. Since then, I have spent 35 more years evangelizing Catholics all over the world. Needless to say, I know your apostate religion very well. |
Is Candace Owens a Convert to Catholicism? |
Candace Owens, the conservative host of The Daily Wire, hosted a debate between her Catholic husband George Farmer and Christian podcaster Allie Beth Stuckey. Candace says she struggles with the question, “if Catholicism is wrong, does that mean no one went to heaven for 1500 years until Martin Luther?” That would make Luther the Savior instead of Jesus. Listen here. The second interview can be viewed here. |
Beware of “The Chosen” TV Series |
Christians need to be warned about the papacy’s aggressive ecumenical agenda to unite all professing Christians under the power and authority of the papacy. Movies like The Chosen have aided the pope’s effort. Jonathan Roumie, a Roman Catholic, plays the part of Jesus in the series. He has been a major influence in persuading evangelicals to pray the rosary. Roumie says it is the greatest weapon against the devil. Watch this short 19-minute video here. Listen to an excellent critique on The Chosen by David Wheaton of the Christian Worldview here. |
A Christian’s Response to Pride Month |
The month of June is celebrated by the “alphabet people” as their Pride Month. How are Christians to respond? We must remain sanctified by the truth and avoid participating in anything that blatantly defies God (Acts 5:29). We must never celebrate what Scripture condemns. Read more. |
Mike’s Speaking Engagements |
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Countryside Bible Church Southlake, TX June 4 Mike will teach on child evangelism and evangelism in the work place at 8:45 am. For more information call 817-379-5300 |
Messiah Bible Church Zelienople, PA June 17-18 Mike will teach a seminar on “How to Proclaim Good News to Roman Catholics” Saturday morning, from 10 am until noon, and from 2:30 pm to 4:00 pm. The seminar will be held at the Harmony Museum, 218 Mercer St. in Harmony, PA. Mike will also preach the Sunday morning message at 10 am. The church is located at 114 W Spring St, in Zelienople, PA. For more information click here. |
Filipino Bible Conference Aug. 5 Southlake, TX Mike will share how the truth of God’s Word can set people free from religious bondage and deception. The conference will be hosted by Countryside Bible Church from 9 am until 3 pm. |
For Mike’s complete schedule click here. |
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All Christians are called to proclaim the Gospel faithfully and contend for it earnestly. These two books will equip and encourage you to be effective witnesses for Christ, while contending for the Gospel against the relentless attacks on its purity and exclusivity. |
Ambassador Pack of Eight Gospel Tracts |
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The pack includes packages of all eight of our Gospel Tracts plus one set of twelve Gospel Cards to equip and encourage you to sow the imperishable seed of God’s Word. Sow the seed of God’s Word wherever you go. |
Carrying Pack of Assorted Tracts |
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Carry our eight different Gospel tracts in a vinyl envelope to protect them in your pocket or purse. The pack contains 12 of our tracts specifically designed for Catholics and 20 tracts for anyone who is perishing. Order here. |
20 Video Messages |
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Mike Gendron’s most popular Keynote messages are available on one flash drive. They cover a range of biblical topics including Bible prophecy, Roman Catholicism, Discernment, Contending for the Faith, Evangelism, and Apologetics. To order click here. |
A DVD With Two Important Messages |
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Most people don’t know if they will spend eternity in the glories of heaven or in the punishing fires of hell, yet the Bible tells us that we can know for sure. The second message is Why Should I Believe the Bible? Order here. |
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Archived Monthly Newsletters Most of our past monthly newsletters can be accessed |