The following 2 minute video provides the true stats on police shootings of unarmed Blacks, Whites and other races in 2019, for the entire USA.
BLM followers have been tricked into supporting a movement that is not even about Blacks, it is about bringing Marxist socialism to the USA.
The following statistics show that BLM supporters have been deceived by Marxists. That is, Marxists have used blacks and followers of other races to trash America while they secretly establish foundations for a socialist nation.
To see what Marxism is really about, spend 5 minutes watching the second video below:
If you want to know what Marxism brings to a nation, spend 5 minutes watching the following video:
For other posts in this blog about progressive leftist politicians; socialism…see: Categories: Progressive Govt. / Socialism / Communism; Propaganda Exposed; Paganism / Neo Paganism.