The Gospel: its modern look — how this FALSE gospel morphed, part 4

This part reveals another false aspect of the modern gospel: revivalism. In June of 1800, Red River, Kentucky, an awakening broke out. Those present experienced conviction of sin and ecstatic emotions which caused some to “fall out,” like those at a Benny Hinn revival.

In time, to those studying this phenomenon, it became apparent that the person leading these meetings had much to do with audience experiences. Yet it seemed that some apparently had saving experiences and others not.

Many concluded that a true work of the Holy Spirit was seen in extreme emotionalism; excitement; sensational activity; and falling down. The same type of audience behavior as seen at a typical modern Pentecostal rally.

I’ve been critiquing Hinn crusades, however, because of the apparent faked and outlandish conduct of his audiences.

Is there a way to distinguish a real work of the Holy Spirit from a self-generated, or preacher-generated display?

Our host, Michael Durham of explains how those who want such emotional experiences of God can determine whether or not their experience is from the Holy Spirit or a spirit of the world:

Using criteria established by Jonathan Edwards from his study of the great awakenings of his time in the 1730s and 40s; a criteria based on the book of 1 John, one might actually determine the source of his ecstatic experience:

  • Does it exalt the deity of the Lord Jesus Christ and His role as Messiah?
  • Does it consist of a heightened experience of conviction of sin, as in Isaiah 6:5?
  • Does it move one to a greater love of God’s word, and a desire for holiness?

By the above criteria, RTM ministries encourages those seeking deeper experiences with God to examine their experience for the above marks.

In the following 22 minute video, RTM provides numerous marks of the false experience of those who only have the spirit of the world.


To understand more aspects of the evolution of this FAKE, man-made modern false gospel, please view the entire 8 part series: see, categories, gospel message.