The Golden Rule, Dr. Patrick Ramsey

Dr. Ramsey just finished preaching through the 10 commandments from Deuteronomy 5; this sermon is a capstone of sorts to that series. In other words, he talks about the golden rule in terms of the 10 commandments; he also tied in other significant passages of scripture such as Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount; and Jesus’ words in Matthew 22:37ff – when He talked about loving God and ones neighbor.

He began by talking about what the golden rule is not; and how not to use it.

Then Dr. Ramsey talked about how social relationships flourish when people follow the golden rule and why that is so; ultimately, following the golden rule can help you apply God’s commands in all your relationships, because you know how you want to be treated.

If you had not thought about the golden rule in terms of how it is related to the 10 commandments and the Sermon on the Mount, then you should appreciate hearing this 25 minute sermon.



To hear other sermons by Dr. Ramsey, click the following link to his sermon audio home page: