THE COUNCIL That Rules America – Agenda Weekly by Curtis Bowers

“A great disaster has befallen Russia: Men have forgotten God; that’s why all this has happened.”

–Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn


Curtis comments on an interview with writer Greg Stenstrom exposing “The Council” and its nefarious agenda. Unknown to most Americans, this group is responsible for making America’s decisions and has been doing the “dirty work” in our country for the past 50 years, including covering up the corruption in the last few elections. Greg lays out their plan for stealing the 2024 election and shares what we can do to stop it.


Articles of the Week

Read: The Nation Needs a Great Awakening by Star Parker. “The data shows more Americans turning away from faith and church attendance, and hence they are choosing government.”

Read: Bohemian Grove: America’s Occult Establishment by Brandon Semrow. “Since Calvin Coolidge, Donald Trump is the first Republican president not to attend Bohemian Grove.”

Read: When Republicans Waver We Must Speak Up by Breanna Claussen. “We have to speak the truth whether or not people receive it or agree with it.”

Read: If You Want To See Where America Is Heading, Look To 1453 by Vince Coyner. “They say history repeats itself. Properly forewarned, it doesn’t have to.”

Prayer and Action

Ed. Note: For the past several months, we’ve experienced technical difficulties with Spotify and Apple Podcasts. If you have listened to Curtis on Apple podcasts but it has not been updating, please unfollow “Faith, Family, and Freedom” in your podcasts, and then search again to see the latest episodes.

Pray for God to send revival to America, beginning in our families and churches.

Pray for God to defeat those seeking to steal another election and finish off America for good.

Please pray for Fairy Shaukata 12-year-old Pakistani girl who was abducted, forcibly converted, and married to a Muslim man. Fairy has been gone from her home for nearly 20 days.

Multiple states have initiatives to codify the “right” to abortion (baby murder), including the red states of Florida, Missouri, Montana, and South Dakota. Learn if your state is seeking to expand abortion here. Partner with individuals and groups in your state to defeat these radical amendments.

To better understand the globalist elites and their agenda, read Controligarchs by Seamus Bruner.

Americans have grown increasingly sick over the last 100 years, as Big Pharma and Big Ag have increased their power and profits. To improve your personal health, consider reading Good Energy by Casey and Calley Means.

Join the election integrity fight at

Watch our previous episodeUnderstanding the Deep State: Its Origins, History, and Significant Influence Today.

Urge your U.S. Senator to remove language from the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) that would draft our daughters. Learn more here.

Curtis will be speaking in Kentucky next month and would love to meet any in the area!

Monday, September 16th
Evangel Christian School
3728 Taylorsville Road
Louisville, KY 40220

Memory verse of the week: Proverbs 12:22, “Lying lips are abomination to the Lord: but they that deal truly are his delight.”

You can share this week’s Behind the Scenes video here or the audio at this link.

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