Take Every Thought Captive; And Renewing the Mind, by Dr. John Piper

The following two videos are very beneficial for those wanting to know how to take captive those thoughts that cause them to sin; and those who want to know what it means to be transformed, free in Christ.

Dr. Piper does a wonderful job defining each of these passages in very brief videos.



The following video is based on Romans 12:2 …be transformed by the renewing of your mind:



For those who would like to hear the 41 minute sermon on Renewing the Mind, click the link below:


The following video is more related to the first video above, taking every thought captive; but this is regarding the other person and their worldview. If you are witnessing to someone who is in a cult or in a church with a false gospel, then the following brief video gives a few questions you could ask to help them see they have a faulty worldview.



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