Opinion: McConnell and GOP Senators Must Stop Deserting Their Constituents: Epoch Times, Commentary

That only 12 senators, with Josh Hawley (R-Mo.) leading the way, have stood up to say they would question the results of our presidential election, when CNN reports that at least 140 House members have said they would, does not speak well for what was once known as “the world’s greatest deliberative body.” …Not only that, but this same cabal of senators must have limned all the testimony about election fraud, from mail-in voting, to trucked-in voting, to ballots suddenly appearing from under a table after everybody went home, to absentee ballots being absconded with and probably shredded, and other possibilities so multitudinous at this point that the sworn affidavits stacked on top of each other would reach somewhere near the top of the Capitol Dome.