Together For the Gospel – Galatians 2:11-14 by Pastor Patrick Ramsey

The 28-minute, mp3 sermon in this post discusses Galatians 2:11-14. Therein, Paul rebuked Peter for leading Galatians astray from the true biblical gospel…. In the process, pastor Ramsey clarified how Peter’s actions resulted in a message of hypocrisy to those present; also, that there has only been one gospel message since Abraham, the father of the faithful; that no one in the Old Testament was saved by keeping the law of Moses…. Below his sermon, I supplied some scriptures that indicate that Abraham believed God by Faith, as did all Old Testament believers who were saved. [Many Christians today believe that the Old Testament was about Law and the New, grace. No, all salvation has been by grace since God chose a people to call to himself, beginning with Abraham]