This post contains a 12-minute video, read by Pastor Mark Fitpatrick of Arann Reformed Baptist Church. Arann Reformed Baptist Church It is from Christian Sermons and Audio Books, YouTube. [Owen is still regarded as a foremost authority on the topics of temptation and the mortification of sin. All Christians have to understand this topic and have tools for fighting the good fight….]
Tag: Running the Christian race
Running The Christian Race Together, Dr. Patrick Ramsey
Running the Christian race is not easy; temptation and the deceitfulness of sin are unrelenting foes; staying in the word and other means of grace can be very difficult if you do not have the support and encouragement of Christian brothers and sisters. Pastor Ramsey addresses these things and more as he explains that we must run the Christian race together, helping each other
Entering the Land, by Dr. Patrick Ramsey
Dr. Ramsey’s sermon is about Israel’s struggle of entering into the Promised Land. He related that to our own struggle to enter into the New