Critical Race Theory Feud on Full Display at School Board Meeting: Epoch Times

…He said that he had attended the equity training three times: March 2020, fall 2020, and spring 2021. He and other teachers were told early in the activity that “cultural competence was eventually going to be part of our evaluation process.” “To me, that meant ‘accept it. Or this could affect how we grade you and your job performance.’ It seems like it will lead to firing if they need to.” …“What we’re doing is we’re shining the light on what this board is doing. This board has had a secret enemies list. And the enemies list is designed to intimidate and to punish people who stand up against critical race theory and who stand up against this transgender madness that’s going on,” Black told The Epoch Times. “So anyway, I gave my speech. And when I gave the speech, everybody just went crazy. And the board retreated.”