The New Fault Lines | Which Side Are They On? | Megan Basham – Right Response Ministries

In this post, Pastor Joel Webbon, of Right Response Ministries, interviewed Megan Basham about the following: The “old” fault lines of Calvinism vs. Arminianism, Cessationism vs. Continuationism, and Baptist vs. Presbyterian are still important, but the “new” fault lines have quickly moved to the center of the debate. What are these “new” fault lines? Oh, you know. Things like Woke vs. Not Woke, Covid Tyranny vs. Personal Liberty, Socialism vs. Capitalism, Globalism vs. Nationalism, etc. Now what we’re starting to see when it comes to these “new” fault lines, we’re starting to see that there are basically only three camps: Pietism (Apathy) 2) Pragmatism (Marxists) 3) Perseverance (Faithfulness)