Hostile Reaction in Detroit Forced Election Official Into Hiding: Epoch Times

Law enforcement advised him not to return home and instead escorted him, with just the clothes on his back, to a friend’s house for safety…“I was scared,” Hartmann told The Epoch Times… “The news media went to my house and filmed the front of my house and my address,” Hartmann said. “And then my website was doxxed. And I got over 1,500 hate emails. And you got to then throw social media on top of that.”

YouTube Removes Trump Lawyer’s Opening Statement From Senate Committee Hearing: Epoch Times

One of President Donald Trump’s lawyers said YouTube removed his opening statement from a Senate Homeland Security hearing on election fraud…“YouTube has decided that my opening statement in the U.S. [Senate], given under oath and based upon hard evidence, is too dangerous for you to see; they removed it. To this day, ‘our evidence has never been refuted, only ignored.’ Why is Google so afraid of the truth? #BigBrother,” lawyer Jesse Binnall wrote on Twitter.